
Maire Beatty recently completed the Annecy Half-Marathon in France as part of her comeback programme after an injury. Here's what the woman herself had to say after the race,

"I had registered for Annecy Marathon in France and when I was not doing so well I decided to register for the half there. I went to Annecy Friday went for a short run on Saturday around 5k had to stop in bits and a lot of pain so I thought well there goes that run. But on Sunday was in good form and no pain so I said I would give it a shot. Half marathon started at 2pm so off I went. Annecy is a lovely spot you run beside the lake a bit crowded but so what so is Connemara at the start! Ran OK for about 5k then I stoped walked for a while thought to myself better start to jog again or I would give up. It was a hard run trying my best to keep going kept saying to myself "Another km, you're getting there!". Anyways, at 17k I said to myself can't stop now, Valerie will kill me. After all she did send me a text in French and I did not understand one word of it! So kept going, I was delighted and I mean delighted to finish it 1hr55min.

You all know I am not into time but for me to finish a run is so important. Five years ago I could barley walk a mile but kept at it and I did have a fantastic year last year and made the most of it. The Athenry Club are out of this world for support and I mean that from my heart. In the last 10 weeks you all have been so good to me. Grainne, Valerie, Marie, Larry and Ray even James Lundon with his text "any news"?

You have all kept me going."

Some Pictures From The Race

Some Pictures From The Race
Details of The Result

Details of The Result


15 years 3 months ago

Delighted to see you back, I thought there was a sparkle in your eyes on tues eve in Newcastle. Be sensible, take it easy and I have no doubt you will be back to full form in no time.Congratulations :-)

Valerie G

15 years 3 months ago

Bon fonctionnement, vous avez couru très bien mon ami
Great performance, you ran very well my friend!!


15 years 3 months ago

Bullaí mná Marie I am delighted for you …It was great to see you last night and the other girls Ann & Pauline there for support. ..P.G. it will not be to long before they will be back in form to.


15 years 3 months ago

Maire I am delighted to see you back running again. Hope your injury clears up. It will be no time before I am trying to catch you again! Well done on your run.