
A most interesting query has reached us from Gary Clancy located in Santa Barbara in California, whose has in his possession an athletics medal won by his grandfather over 100 years ago.

He is looking for any information about the club, its origins or otherwise.

From Gary (gclancy @ impulse . net):

On the back of the medal is the inscription - W.C.R. Co. 1907. West Clare Running Club?

The medal was made J Maurer, Ennis.

His name was James P Clancy and lived on Henry St. in Kilrush.

I think he raced the 400 and 800 metres. (Most likely 440 and 880 yards than metres - 1/4 and 1/2 mile distances)

He died in 1923 at 50 years old.

His wife's name was Agnes. Her maiden name was either O'Reilly

or McMahon.

He was a carpenter and undertaker

Had brothers Michael and John.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


15 years 3 months ago

Coming from West Clare myself I have never heard of such a club. More likely West Clare Railway Company who perhaps sponsored the medals for whatever race this medal was won at.

'The West Clare Railway was a narrow gauge line, which operated from 1887-1961 and had a branch line to Kilrush. The 3-foot gauge railway ran through magnificent scenery, although deficient tracks, underpowered locomotives and the vagaries of the weather meant initially there were considerable delays. Journey time improved in later years and the line was popular with visitors to Lahinch, Lisdoonvarna and Kilkee, as well as for those attending fairs and for cattle transport.

The line was nominally run by the West Clare Railway and the South Clare Railway, but in practice, it was operated by the one company. It was taken over in 1925, by the Great Southern Railway Company which in turn became Coras Iompair Eireann (CIE) in 1945, and the lines were closed in 1961.''

J Maurer and Sons still a big jewellery shop on O'Connell Street in Ennis

Thank you very much for the information on the medal.
Very interesting history.
Do you think the jewelry store would have any records that far back.
Thanks again
Gary Clancy


15 years 3 months ago

Hi Gary

I have contacted the jewellery shop in Ennis and they will see if they have any records going back that far. The theory of the West Clare Railway Co as sponsors of the race seems very plausable to them as well. It may take a bit of time to get any information but don't give up.


Hello Gary, did you have any more luck in finding out about this? If not, send it to me and I will be glad to publicise it in Run Direct magazine ( - it might give a boost to your efforts to find out more info. Thanks, Liam. 094 95 42965