
You can now look up the Irish Masters national records (or officially "road best performances") for the different age categories at the new website. See the URL's below for men and women, respectively. (The records for indoor and outdoor track and field will be put up shortly).

It's a fascinating read. Galway's Gerry Ryan holds the 5k record at M40 with a time of 14:23 set in 2004. Donore Harriers' Jim McNamara holds records at several age categories for 5k, 10k, and half marathon. What about his 68 mins for the half at M45?

Among the women, Lucy Brennan of Sligo represents the West with a brilliant 2:48 in the marathon at the W45 category. And Joan Coyle holds several records including a 1:32.58 for the half marathon in the W55 category.




15 years 4 months ago

Interesting one Phillip - some amazing times out there alright. On the half marathon - I see Neil Cusack holds the half-marathon for M40 at 66mins - Gerry won the national half-marathon in 64 minutes when he was over 40 in 2005 ( Does that mean that there was a problem with the course..?

Some other amazing times are Flor O'Leary's marathon M55 and M60 times - a 2:41 marathon at M55 is simply awesome.

I think Martin McCevilly has a decent shot at taking one or two of these M60 records this year - e.g. 10k in 37:09 would be within his range.

That course was woefully short, not even close to being properly measured.
The fact that a record may have been broken makes that fact even worse.

I thought I had ran a great race that day till I was told it was short.



15 years 4 months ago

In reply to by alanburke

:( Somone had mentioned to me before that there may have been concerns with that course but I hadn't seen anything official - a pity as given the huge gap Gerry had over Crossan, O'Connor, McNamara, Thornton etc he was probably in record breaking form no matter what course he was on.


15 years 4 months ago

Or putting the young lads tio shame!, Dublin marathon this year was a Close one this year for the M50 record, Dermot Kerr ran a stormer blowing away us sub 40s!

29 Dermot Kerr (No. 11927) Irl M50 1 00:35:26 01:15:29 01:47:08 02:32:15 02:32:16


15 years 4 months ago

I'll pass on the Gerry Ryan time, I do remember that okay. Also I have heard since that Brian Geraghty bested Jim McNamara's M60 10k with a 36:55 in 2002 though this has to be ratified.

Dermot Kerr also won a bronze in the M50 5k at the European Masters Champs in Slovenia, 2008. Pretty good year for him.


15 years 4 months ago

Thanks for bringing these records to our attention because I am predicting 2 new records this year for Roger Rushe in 5k and 10k as he is now O/70 and running as well as ever. It will add extra interest to the 5k series as if it wasn't exciting enough!!!

Tuam AC

trevor hunter

15 years 4 months ago

The womens records are woefully out of date

Sligo's Lucy Brennan who has been a fantastic champion W40-W45 only took up serious running after a triathlon career

She has run 2.45 Longford marathon 2005 W45

Half Marathon 1.17.08 Waterside 2005 W45

As recently as dec 08 she ran 36.59 in athenry 10k W45

and she has now just entered W50 bracket which she will undoubtably make her own

She is a fantastic talented and dedicated runner who does not get the credit or recognition she deserves

Just to add to Trevor's comments I would suggest reviewing Lucy's racing records over the last number of years,
taking Dungarvan 10 ,Ballycotton ten and many more over varying distances.It would be very interesting to see an over all picture of her times from 10k to Marathon,if you have the records and time to review.Her times must be very comparable to ( those even in Europe or further afield ) the best times around for her age catogory and distances she has competed in.


15 years 4 months ago

Anyone who thinks a record has been broken should submit the new one officially. The newest IMAA Gazette will be coming out in about 10 days to 2 weeks and I will post the PDF up on this website. This will have the Records Application Form which should be filled in and sent with supporting documentation to the Records Secretary. (Full info on this will be included).

At some future date, the webmaster will also put the form up on the IMAA website, At the moment, the webmaster is located in Mali and having difficulty uploading to the site because of bandwidth issues!

Could I emphasise that this is a tricky job for the secretary: including road and indoor and outdoor T&F, 49 new records were broken last year at all the different age categories. And, as you can see from the discussion above, it's not just recording, it's veryifying also. Thanks for all your interest.

martin keane

15 years 4 months ago

To all the MAAMs in Connemara today,Happy Mothers Day to ye all