
Athenry AC's annual pre-Connemara Marathon raiding party took to the roads of Connemara this weekend to test out the famous marathon route before the big day next month. A full compliment of 27 dedicated Connemara Marathon aspirants wrapped up well and braved the cold weather and were rewarded with a stunning day in the mountains. A touch of showbiz glamour was added by the participation of "Run Johnny Run", former Sawdoctor's drummer and current marathon fundraiser, Johnny Donnelly.

Lough Inagh - The Full Crew

Lough Inagh - The Full Crew

Johnny has been involved with fundraising for the Sea Change Foundation over recent months and more details of his efforts on their behalf can be found at ( and Johnny completed the full marathon route at his ease despite a recent hectic schedule. Johnny had been scheduled to run a marathon in Death Valley in California on the same day but unfortnately had to abandon his plans after flight delays in Dublin due to the bad weather.

The 'Bosses on The Bus'

The 'Bosses on The Bus'

Special mention has tio go to Connemara Marathon race director Ray O'Connor who is currently training for an assault on the Marathon Des Sables Ultramarathon. Starting at 06:00am in the black dark on frosty Connemara roads, Ray completed a solo circumnavigation of the Connemara Ultramarathon route as a training run! How's that for dedication to the cause! A true sportsman and a gentleman to boot.

Mr.Connemarathon Himself !

Mr.Connemarathon Himself !

The day was a great success as various distances were covered by the various participants along the famous route in crystal clear conditions .When the early icy patches burnt off it was like heaven for runners amidst the majestic Connemara scenery.

Happy Faces Afterwards

Happy Faces Afterwards
A Well Earned Feed In Oughterard Afterwards

A Well Earned Feed In Oughterard Afterwards

Many Thanks To Gerry Barrett for such great service with the minibus, and of course our bus driver, 'Fit4Lifer' Michael.

Until next March and, of course, next year....


15 years 5 months ago

What truly enjoyable and beautiful day it was, and you couldn’t get better scenery to run through.
A special big thank you has to go to Danny & Hazel Breen not forgetting Mark who brazed the weather for their supports along the way and for the much welcome water & jelly’s station, that club spirited is what makes Athenry AC special.


15 years 5 months ago

Hi will ye be taken an other bus out before the marathon and can anybody go as myself and two friends would love to join ye if ye are. Who do we contact if ye are.

Hi Evelyn there will indeed be another trip to test the hills before the day and you and your friends are more than welcome to join us.
There is a bus organised for Sunday March 1st, leaving Athenry Church carpark @ 7.15am. The bus will then head straight for Connemara via pickups at the Oran Town Centre @ 7.30am, The Westwood Hotel @ 7.45am hotel, Blue Peppy Nursery @7.50am and Maam Cross 8.20am.
For further information you contact me by email @ [email protected] or Mick. @ [email protected].
I would need to know before the 23rd of February to see what size bus we would require.

Mick Rice

15 years 5 months ago

Evelyn...Not Absolutely sure yet but there are tentative plans for another visit to the hills for a training run on the 1st of March. Send me an email at [email protected] and I'll make sure to keep you in touch. You'd be most welcome to join us if we do manage to arrange the second trip...


15 years 5 months ago

Thanks guys for a fabulous day's running. I really enjoyed it and everyone made me very welcome.
It was worth the early start even though I did wonder what were we doing on the side of the freezing N59 at 7.30am on a saturday morning Grainne!
I look forward to seeing you all on the big day and can't wait to run my first marathon.
Great club.......

Shane Lennon

15 years 5 months ago

Just wanted to say a massive thanks to everybody for also making us feel so welcome. As a complete and utter novice and stranger, the gang on the bus put me really at ease and had wonderful tips and advice. The encouragement did not stop on the bus as many of the runners passing me by had further words of encouragement! What a great gang of people. Thanks again

seb Locteau

15 years 5 months ago

Girls and Boys, thanks for everything, really enjoyed, was my first long run after my surgery, and been with most of my friends was great motivation.... 28 to 30km ran and I don't believe I let Frank and Val passing me out......on the last km, it seems to be a repeating story with me and connemara Marathon

Ray ran the Ultra in the cold from 6am...... I knew Mick was crazy, did not know was contagious :-)

Mick what were you doing with the poor sheep ? in the middle of the field ?

Was really impress to see all the guys from Galway Tri club, running club, great Turn out and great people !


15 years 5 months ago

I look forward to seeing you all on the big day and can't wait to run my first marathon.
Great club.......