
Just trawling through the DCM results that have just been released, these are the names I remember were up there, some are missing so please feel free to add more in comments until we put up a full result listing.

**UPDATED 29/10/2008**

78 Brian O' Connor (No. 1272) 02:47:17 02:47:14

86 Brian Bruton (No. 11109) 02:48:39 02:47:45

120 Robert Staunton (No. 654) 02:52:28 02:52:25

222 Mick Rice (No. 5701) 02:59:35 02:59:34

292 Owen Curran (No. 1747) 03:03:00 03:02:41

379 Paul Kilkelly (No. 11821) 03:07:25 03:06:17

391 Mark Breen (No. 1227) 03:07:50 03:06:49

527 Lawrence Kelly (No. 11080) 03:12:48 03:12:26

594 Conor Dolan (No. 9373) 03:14:56 03:14:16

635 Daniel Kavanagh (No. 655) 03:16:05 03:16:01

696 John Donnellan (No. 11683) 03:17:54 03:16:46

803 Frank Burke (No. 11137) 03:20:59 03:20:40

894 Gary Doherty (No. 11276) 03:23:17 03:23:05

1063 Ray O' Connor (No. 58) 03:26:15 03:26:15

1097 Michael Rooney (No. 1160) 03:27:03 03:26:42

3219 James Lundon (No. 1968) 03:55:52 03:54:23

4053 Finbarr Connolly (No. 9106) 04:05:41 04:04:12

4302 Peter Strange (No. 6229) 04:09:45 04:08:11

6009 Peadar Nugent (No. 208) 04:35:21 04:34:36

6870 Martin Keane (No. 4352) 04:52:29 04:48:19

219 Elaine Walsh (No. 11394) 02:59:31 02:59:29

579 Bernie Carter (No. 11636) 03:14:17 03:14:14

666 Jane-Ann Healy (No. 11560) 03:16:59 03:16:57

915 Valerie Glavin (No. 10199) 03:23:37 03:23:34

3649 Maria Hehir (No. 11302) 04:00:17 03:58:11


15 years 9 months ago

congrats to everyone who struggling to walk this proud of the group.Thanks to the fantastic support out on the loop also...all the children were fab...Frank and Maeves scared me so much with the roars i think they helped improve my time!!Thanks to everyone.J.A

Brian Duffy

15 years 9 months ago

Mick Rice, you gave a top class performance pace setting for your marathon ladies team! I hung on for as long as I could, and sneaked in under three hours. Fare play, and well done to Elaine, you ran a blinder! Can I also add, the support Athenry had enroute was second to none, well done to all concerned.

Peter Delmer

15 years 9 months ago

Congratulations to all the Athenry runners who took part yesterday. I had the unique perspective of following a lot of you on the bike yesterday and I witnessed the highs and the very lows of marathon running. To all of you who achieved your targets - well done. And to those who didn't - don't worry there'll be plenty more opportunities.


15 years 9 months ago

What a great day and definitely a lot to cheer for in our club. I took about 600 photos and will cull these to 100 or so before putting them on the Web site. If I missed you, sorry, really hard to pick out people in large crowds sometimes, especially if you had a sweatshirt on top.

As soon as I closed my eyes last night I saw runners - hundreds and hundreds of runners - passing seemingly every second, all different sizes, and me frantically trying to pick out the maroon fringed with white to take a snap.

Thanks for giving us a lot to shout for.

Maire Treasa Beatty

15 years 9 months ago

Congratulations to everyone who ran yesterday ye did fantastic. I felt so lonely when you all went off yesterday morning but I just could not run. Thanks Alan for the few words! Anyways Athenry is a fantastic Club to be part of. Fair play to you all ye did supper times so proud of all of you. Great support along the way. I was at the finish line and as the lads and ladies came in they all said the support was fantastic. So well done Alan and Peter on their bikes anyone I met said you two were fantastic. Meave did a great job and she even ran a few miles!! Grainne is always great at the support you all did a great job. Roll on next year please God we will be back there again.


15 years 9 months ago

I was handing out water at the Mile 15 Water Station and managed to see a fair few of the Athenry runners coming through. Congrats to one and all, great running, and plan to be on the road next year for the 30th anniversary run.


15 years 9 months ago

Well done & congrats to everyone who ran yesterday ...Thanks to the great words of support from other club are a great bunch.... and to those who came up to support us out on the route...Its a club I am proud to belong to

Séamus Coyne

15 years 9 months ago

As I have already reported elsewhere (, I was spectating from a vantage point on Grand Canal Street (between miles 24 and 25) and it was heart-warming and a huge privilege to see so many runners from Galway/Mayo region in the DCM yesterday. Principal among this group were the Athenry AC representatives - ye are indeed a great credit to your club and running in the west of Ireland in general. I'm sure ye're going to have at least 30 runners out next year for the 30th running! Ar aghaidh libh...


15 years 9 months ago

As always you put on a show to inspire all other clubs ,Thanks to all the Athenry supporters Maeve(thanks for offering your water) ,Graine, Alan ,and Peter to name but a few ,you never spare the roars of encouragement no matter what club colours they encounted .Your shouts are much and I will return this favour as often as possible ! Well done Mike Rice, What a MAN! like clockwork and right on shedual he and Elane sailed past me at 23, I kinda figured they would and was not surprised nor able to tag on. Elane, that was a phenominal effort ! you should be so proud to break that 3hr barrier, its not for the faint hearted I can tell you.Anne Carter ,brave to the last I wish things had worked out for you, see you soon. I could go on and on ! -but Guys a sinceere Thank You and well done to all in Athenry AC!
Tony Nevin


15 years 9 months ago

Congrats to all on yesterday and thanks to everyone for the pre, post and mid race support! The jelly babies were very tempting Peter and today i am thinking of the one that got away .. i will have an ever lasting memory of a red one waving up at me from Mick's hand ... it would not have survived the journey any of the other 364 days of the year .. but it may have required chewing! So .. wondering about the next energy sapping, team and spirit building event? Buskers anybody? (and maybe some dancing!) A fri night? Soon? Discuss ....
Thanks again! Its an amazing club to be part of! Be proud of how special it is! Elaine

Pauline Murray…

15 years 9 months ago

A big congratulations to one and all..... you all did us proud. Maybe someday we will be there with you although we were all there in spirit (from the comfort of our homes) on Monday. Sounds like we missed a great family day out.
Well done.


15 years 9 months ago

Well Well Well done to everyone 25 runners approx not bad is it?
Any Saturday night is a good night - Especially after spending months building up a mighty thirst!!!!
Let the mayhem commence....

aileen mcnamara

15 years 9 months ago

Well done to everyone from Athenry A.C. who participated in the marathon! Some fantastic results, especially among the women. Keep up the good work!

Jane Campbell

15 years 9 months ago

Well done to al the Athenry runners who took part in the Marathon. I know a lot of hard work and miles were put in and you deserve your fantastic results.
Jane Campbell GCH