
For many of us here at Athenry AC the 'Streets', which takes place next Saturday evening, is the highlight of the Irish road racing calendar each year. Galway City Harriers organise a top-quality race each summer for the enjoyment of runners from all over the country and their commitment and generosity are rewarded by seemingly ever larger and more enthusiastic crowds. The race has become part of the social fabric of the City of Galway and an occasion when people take precedence over cars even if only for just a short few hours. The hours before the race are invariably a time to meet up with friends from our own and other clubs, to swap stories and predictions and to steel ourselves for the challenge ahead. A warm haze of friendly rivalry settles over the ‘City of The Tribes’ as the crowd barriers are erected and the water stations are set up. Fluorescent bib's are distributed to the race stewards and officials. Although the process is familiar to the GCH crew they must, like all race organisers, play host to a few butterflies in the days and hours before the big event.

The ‘Streets’ has never been a race to rest on its laurels and there are improvements and adjustments to the routine from year to year. This year automated timing has been introduced in response to the ever-growing size of the field. This is an investment in the quality of the race that will surely please everyone taking part.

With only just a few short days left to the big day we wish our near neighbours in Galway well in their preparations for the big day when we’re all looking forward to running the ‘Streets’ one more time.


15 years 11 months ago

The highlight of the year for sure , reckon our GCH crack squad will run the Athenry boys ragged , hope the rain holds off...