
Noreen Cooley was in touch to let me know that one of our Fit 4life runners has well and truly caught the running bug and is looking for bigger thrills!

not sure if you aware that assumpta feeney, a january fit for life recruit just completed the New York half marathon on 27th July, her net time was 2:18:04 and gun time 2:25:53 if you get that ;) ... it may be an inspiration to others like her, including myself. Anyhows assumpta off in Las Vegas this coming week, flying home saturday morning the 9th and hoping to make the streets of galway race!!!!!!

Assumpta Herself said

... conditions were very different with 90% humidity so lots of water stops along the way, it was a very hot and sticky run but atmosphere electric and it felt great.

No stopping you now!

Maeve Noone

15 years 12 months ago

Congrats and well done Assumpta. No fear of the 3hr bus picking you up. You should be delighted with this achievement , which is a result of pure dedication and continuous drive. You are an inspiration to all.Onwards and Upwards .

Mick Rice

15 years 12 months ago

Assumpta...that's a brilliant run. One of my long term ambitions is to run in New York and you've beaten me to it already :-)

Many congratulations,

See You in Galway for the 'Streets',



15 years 11 months ago

It's amazing how quickly you've gotten back into this and how far you've come (literally!).

You make us proud.

Maria H

15 years 11 months ago

Well Done Assumpta, on an absolutely great run, it was great to see you achieving your goal what next lady...See you on Saturday..


15 years 11 months ago

Was dying to know how you got on. Fair play to you Assumpta. Hope to see you at the streets tonight. Attempting the half myself in Longford later this month - not as glam as NY or as hot I say!

pauline mulqueen

15 years 11 months ago

Assumpta What a star! You really are a great inspiration what a fantastic achievement. Would love have been there to see you finish well done.