
Pauline Mulqueen was one of at least eight Athenry AC members who participated in the Clare People 10k last weekend. By all accounts it was a great race. Pauline is one of a number of Athenry members who's running has improved dramatically over the first half of this year and she has been good enough to share some of her memories of the race with us below.

Well done Pauline and all the other Athenry AC members who took part on the day.

Race Report by Pauline Mulqueen

As we arrived at the Lees Road Sports Amenity Park, Ennis on Saturday morning for the annual Clare 10k the now familiar feelings of butterflies had begun. I hoped this race would reaffirm that I could cover the distance in 60mins or under and that my 59ish in Annaghdown the previous week wasn’t just a one off flash of brilliance!!!! Ok I know our budding Olympians are never going to be threatened by me but hey it’s all relative.

My nerves worsened slightly as Maria warned of the challenging uphill last kilometer warning any hope of improving time needed to be at the downhill start. Maria and Pauline Murray availed of the pre race massage which they found helpful (Is this the secret?).

So tactics discussed and warm ups completed off we went en masse to the starting line. The good old Irish weather didn’t let us down and the rain started as if on cue. It was difficult to hear any announcements amongst the enthusiastic crowd but at about 10.05 we were off.

Feeling good (again it’s all relative as I still wonder why I didn’t think knitting would be challenging enough) I settled into my usual gentle pace, glad I hadn’t been denied my ipod. Lynyrd Skynyrds’ Freebird helps me achieve my one and only spurt of speed on any run (my attempt at interval training). Saying that, the entertainment en route was fantastic with four or five trailers set up along the route with local talent encouraging us on. The Gardai were out in force stopping traffic and did a great job. Lots of spectators along the way shouting and clapping provided a great boost. My first 5 k went well and I felt on course for an improved time. As we turned off the main road the long country road through Drumcliffe seemed endless though who would have thought such beautiful countryside could be so close to the town. The final 2k were slow and the pre warned of hill back in to the complex was tough. With the finish line in site I tried to increase speed. I uttered a minor expletive as I saw the clock turn to the hour but at least I was still running. There was a long queue to cross the finish line which I know caused some angst amongst my fellow runners as we weren’t sure exactly who or where our times were clocked. My running mates were all getting cold waiting for me all having pulled off PBs (no uphill excuses from them!). However Maria, Pauline and Breege I have come to realize will applaud my effort even if I crawl over the line.

Ann Carter did another brilliant time and still looked ready to go again winning a prize for her PB and setting her sights on sub 37 in future.

Overall a great fun run which was well organized from a parking, traffic, entertainment and refreshment point of view. The only downside seems to be the possibility of discrepancies in times which is difficult for those achieving PBs. However this is a charity fundraiser with a huge effort put in by all involved and the sense of community was a pleasure to be part of.

Well done to all who took part will see you next year I hope.

Pauline murray

16 years ago

Well done Pauline,

You've missed your caliing in life, you write very well, your report was very entertaining, you have a great way with words, you might be given a new job writing the reports. It was a lovely day out, an enjoyable run,a badly organised finish line but sure we'll get over that, thanks to our own watches, and we will always be there to cheer you on until the day you will be there waiting to cheer us on. wait and see it will happen! See you soon

Pauline 1


16 years ago

Well done Pauline. I am reading your great report here in West Cork, I would love to have been in Ennis with ye but was on my way to Kerry. Now that is a place to test your strength on the hills/mountains around Kenmare. I ran in Ennis for the first time last year and you describe it exactly as i remember. Look forward to seeing you next week for good run and chat.
