
Our Track session goes from strength to strength, and as the Summer months approach, even more people are likely to come along and see what the fuss is all about.

If you're sick of being out-kicked in the last km of a race, then it's time for track work!

With greater numbers comes a greater need to organise the session, rather than have a free for all. Brian has been doing a great job of suggesting sessions, and groups are sorting themselves out.

Some people have been very confused by me shouting "TRACK!" and wondered what it all means.

Well when I started first, I never had a clue what to do, so picked it up as I went along, and of course from the Internet.

So here follows Athenry AC track etiquette

1. Never train on lane 1.

This is just for competition use. Do your fast running in lanes 2, 3 4.

2. Runners 'at pace' have the right of way.

If a runner is doing a rep, no matter what pace, they have the right to lanes 2,3.

Faster runners MUST overtake on the outside, giving plenty of space.

3. Recoveries on lanes 5,6, 7

When doing your recovery between laps, move out to lanes 5,6,7. Do so with caution.

4. Warm Up and down in outside lanes.

Leave the inside lanes for those still doing their session.

5. Never stop suddenly on the track, and more runner maybe just behind.

6. "Track!" . When you hear this, get out of the way.

It probably means you are either

a) doing a warm-up/recovery in lanes 2, 3

b) wandering aimlessly across the track

7. Always run anti-clockwise

8. No Headphones.

Lastly, the club session is for Athenry AC members.

Unless all 100+ Athenry AC members show up [a bit unlikely], AAI members from other clubs are very welcome to take part.

Brian takes the money, so sort him out.

Based roughly on

Normally Tuesday at 7:30pm,
but we moved it to Thursdays during the 5km series.
We go back to Tuesdays once the 5km series is complete.
For all training see

Peter Delmer

16 years 2 months ago

Anybody not having the craic should immediately leave the field of play.
If you hear footsteps behind you and somebody is roaring 'Track!', I find that sticking your leg out to the right usually gets them. If they try to take you on the inside use your left arm.
The no headphones rule is very important ... what if a train comes down the 'Track!' and you can't hear it?

Above all, don't forget to pay Brian for your session ... they don't call him Brutes for nothing!

(Sorry Al, couldn't resist!!!)


16 years 2 months ago

Points are fine other than that we will be using Lane 1, otherwise we will be doing extra distance -ie 410s not 400s, and because people will default to Lane one in any event. We are paying for the track and have every right to use Lane 1 and will continue to do so. Please amend this. Also note that its importnat to keep moving once repeats are done - the recovery lap done right is just as important. Bring a watch too!!


16 years 2 months ago

Lane 1 to be used for repeats, Lane 2 if congestion in One, other lanes recovery,