
Each year the Streets of Galway 8K, organised by Galway City Harriers, is the highlight of the summer for almost all of Athenry AC's runners. Our good friends and neighbours in Galway put on a fantastic show each August. The race organisation at this event is a model for any other race in the country and our members have traditionally taken full advantage of GCH's hospitality in large numbers.

We've developed a few traditions of our own at this race over the last few years which we'd like to keep going. In the first instance we normally meet up before the race at 6:30pm outside Jury's Hotel to compare injuries and assure each other that we're not as fit as last time. Once the excuses have been made (it's always best to get them out of the way early) we can get on with the serious business of actually running, walking, staggering around the race. Please join us this year at Jury's this year if only to get your face into the mug shot like those below. All are welcome so just pop along and say hello before the race. The more the merrier.

With the hard work done we usually retire for a bite to eat so that we can gossip about/analyse/discuss how everyone has done at the race. This year Brian O'Connor has booked places at Al Muretto Italian Restaurant just off Forster Street for 9:15pm. To make sure there's a seat for you just drop Brian a line at [email protected] and he'll count you into the numbers.

Once again, all are welcome and don't be shy please.

See you there!

2006 - Streets of Galway:2006 - Streets of Galway

2006 - Streets of Galway:2006 - Streets of Galway
2005 - Streets of Galway:2005 - Streets of Galway

2005 - Streets of Galway:2005 - Streets of Galway
2004 - Streets of Galway:2004 - Streets of Galway

2004 - Streets of Galway:2004 - Streets of Galway


17 years ago

I was looking forward to the streets of Galway but what I did not except was the large crowd on such a narrow street 2000 entrees I hard them say.
The gun went there was a surge in the crowd and it stopped then an other surge and stop is this a false start I heard a few people around me say and I was thinking the same think but no next thing everyone was trying to pass each other watch I looked at my watch 1.30 after the gun I am only passing the start line not good it then took me until the 2k mark to find my right pace due to this I was I was dissopinted with my overall time 2.40 slower that what i had hoped.

Which such a big crowd does anyone else think it is time to use Timing Chips and record the exact time taken to complete the Streets of Galway?

I agree with you. Timing chips are the only way to go if the participants are not sectioned into elite, fast joggers, slow joggers and walkers.

I found it strange that the application form had asked for an approximate finish time but then we were not segregated. As soon as the gun went off, everyone was pushing forward and runners/joggers were practically falling over walkers.It was not until we reached the top of eyre square that it became possible to run at ones own pace.

Maybe next year something could be done to segregate the participants.

Hi Jane, I agree with you.. the start is terribly conjested. I learnt from my mistake the last time I ran the race and this time I wasn't shy and pushed up nearer the front.. but obviously not everyone can do that. Another thing that might help is designated starter zones like they have in the bupa run (i.e. sub sub-26, sub28, sub30, sub-32, etc mins, etc). People won't stick to it, but it might reduce the traffic at the start if all the runners ahead of you were faster than you...


17 years ago

Yes if it keeps growing Timing chips or sectioning the runner's walkers will have to be considered .
I ran with a few friends and we all felt down with the start as it effected our overall time by 1min to 1min 50.
The person holding the start sign kept pushing us well back the passed the 500m mark and when the gun went off we also thought it was a false start the way the competitors started and stopped but saying that the atmosphere was good and well done to all involved but please consider using Timing Chips next year.


17 years ago

Yes chips would be good but they add to the expense and do not in themselves solve the problem of mismatched speed in a tight-packed crowd. Only segregation can address that. Remember that in large scale events like this, the majority of participants are just out prove to themselves that they can go the distance. Time is a concern for maybe only 25-30% of people.

I thought this apart, everything was well organised. The one flaw of front-loading the start can be easily addressed with a rope and posts set along the road about 2/3 mtrs from the wall and insist that people move down this channel only to the back.