James Corbett HP Race Winner - July '07

James Corbett HP Race Winner - July '07

For many club runners in and around Galway City the ‘HP’ Series lunchtime races have been a regular fixture for a few years now. Organised by a group of dedicated runners from the Hewlett Packard plant in the city these races are organised primarily to provide a low key competitive opportunity for recreational runners at the company and a sprinkling of their fellow runners from other companies. As the races are all organised on a handicap basis everyone that lines up has a chance to feature amongst the winners.

The latest instalment in this round of races took place in the regular venue of Dangan Race Track this Tuesday the 3rd July. On this occasion Athenry AC’s James Corbett came out top of the pile covering the 1.47 mile lap in 9:33 which beat his handicap by twelve seconds. James battled a strong wind over the second half of the course to record what we believe is his first individual win in a road race. Such good early season for surely bodes well for some of the road races scheduled around the county over the remainder of the summer. James has been a stalwart of Athenry AC cross country and road race teams for many years now and seems to improve each year on year.

Congratulations James on the win from all your club mates at Athenry AC.

Cian Blake

17 years 2 months ago

How does one find out about the HP lunchtime races? What days are they on?


17 years 2 months ago


Please contact me at jameslundon at yahoo dot co dot uk and
I'll direct you in the right direction for more information...