
Almost 200 people turned up in Tuam last evening for the second

in the Galway 5KM series. The weather also smiled on us, again,

even though things were very much touch-and-go for a while before

and after the race.

The race itself went off without incident with the local Gardai

doing a fine job in leading out the pack out and standing at the

Milltown roundabout to guard the runners at probably the most

dangerous part of the circuit. No incidents were reported by any

runners in the town itself, coming up to the square and back down

to the park carpark finish line.

Many good times were recorded by the participants. Brendan

Monaghan has admitted what most of us already knew in our hearts

that the about 80 metres short. Please

divide your finishing time by .984 to get your true 5KM road

time :).

He felt that it was better to leave last year's course the way it

was than to further tinker with it. So if you ran last year, you

can straightforwardly compare last year's time with this year's

(in my case 19:08 down to 18:58).

I am going to have some fun compiling the results as some issues

were encountered by the recorders. So if you know your own time,

please let me have it so that I can checkpoint you in the data I

have to hand. I will try to post a provisional result before

tomorrow lunch-time and work it onwards to an official result

before the weekend.

Please let us have your comments on the race?

David R

17 years 2 months ago

Great job on running this race so well!
Credit to Tuam AC
Conditions were tough around 2/3km with the wind blowing down the
bypass and a few tester of hills throughout the race!
Thought this race was harder than Athenry/Newcastle race.

Well done to all who raced and finished!

Mick Rice

17 years 2 months ago

Well done Tuam !


17 years 2 months ago

There was a lot of traffic congestion at the end of the run last night which hindered the runners as they made their way to the line. I saw one car actually reversing into the oncoming runners. Could these cars not have been prevented from coming up so close to the finish. Otherwise a good run and well organised!

Jane C

17 years 2 months ago

Very enjoyable race. Funny that some found it tougher than Athenry. I thought the opposite. Thanks to all the organisers!

Enda C

17 years 2 months ago

It got a bit hectic at the finish with the cars coming to collect the foreign students. But this was difficult to allow for in such a public area - the gardaΓ­ should probably have waited around a bit longer. Found the race much easier than last week - climbs were short and sharp rather than long steady in Newcastle.