Johnny's Watery Route

Johnny's Watery Route

This route, supplied by Johnny O’Connor, follows a watery course around the west side of Galway City. Running along river, canal and Galway Bay be careful you don’t get wet!

This is the second in what will hopefully build into a good database of runs around the city and county and perhaps further afield. Coming soon ... Martin Keane's Rinville Rave Run.

Johnny and Gary

Johnny and Gary

To see the route description and Google Earth maps download the word document below. Google Earth measures it at 7.75 miles.

Brian b

17 years 5 months ago

Is anyone running Sunday in Oranmore??!!


17 years 5 months ago

Will depend on the weather for me.
I'll send a message to the mailing list.

Peter Delmer

17 years 5 months ago

I'm shocked!

I've sent a special request in to Martin King for sunshine and a soft breeze. A light shower will fall towards the end of the run to cool you off.

Brian, I'm not sure if I'll make this Sunday. May have to travel this weekend. Alan has sent an e-mail to try to stir up a bit of enthusiasm so we'll soon see. Depending on the weather of course ...