As One 'Keeper Said to the Other ....

As One 'Keeper Said to the Other ....

You Gotta Have Goals…

With the arrival of a new year our attention shifts to the months of running and racing ahead and new challenges. In a spirit of fun, self-motivation and something approaching honesty, the selection of club members below have volunteered three personal goals that they’d like to achieve over the next twelve months of training and racing.

If anyone else would like to challenge themselves by adding their three goals for the next year onto this list just send them on to me at [email protected]

Sincere thanks to all members who were brave enough to contribute.

Philip Magnier...

a. Run Dublin Marathon in 3:20

b. Run Longford Half-Marathon in 1:30

c. Kick ass in a sprint finish (Mick Rice, Peter Delmer or James London)

Alan Burke...

a. Run a sub 3hr Marathon.

b. Organise a great 5km series.

c. Find a woman.

Ray O'Connor...

a. Run 12 marathons in 2007

b. Break 3:30 for the first time

c. Train a little for a change.

Mick Rice...

a. Break 2:45 for the marathon

b. Break 8:00 for 100k on the road or track.

c. Run 3,000 miles in the year

James Corbett...

a. Run at least one marathon

b. Run at least 25 races in 2007

c. Break 40 min for 10km

James Lundon...

a. Run a decent 'half' (i.e. sub-1:31 i.e. 7:00 mile pace).

b. Get rid of my lingering left hamstring and right hip niggles.

c. Run the elusive 39:59 10KM!

Sebastien Locteau...

a. Be able to run three months after my surgery.

b. Be able to run 5km by the end of October.

c. Run the Athenry AC Fields of Athenry 10km in less than 50min.

Tony Daly

a. Complete Conemara Half Marathon in 1:50.

b. Beat 1:38 for Sprint Triathlon = 750m swim / 20km bike / 5km run.

c. Finish Mourne Mountain Marathon 2 day in September.

Liam Mycroft...

a. To qualify for Boston '08. I shall be 50 a month before the 2008 Boston Marathon and having been there in 2001, this will be a goal worth working towards. I need to run 3:35:59 at some point this year, with Dublin and Philadelphia pencilled in as the targets.

b. To break 42 minutes again for 10K - An even harder target than the Boston qualifier.

c. To create World Peace (Probably a darn sight easier than the first two!).

Peter Lowney...

a. Sub 40 mins for a 10k.

b. Sub 72 mins for a 10 miler.

c. Sub 1:42 for a half marathon.

Peter Delmer...

a. I will run the National 10k, Half-Marathon and Marathon scoring each time on the Athenry Team

b. I will run a sub 2:48 Marathon in Dublin (6:25 pace)

c. I will run the Munster 10m series and achieve a pb of sub 58:40 (5:52 pace)

Paul McNamara...

a. Run a 2.20 marathon

b. Run a pb for 10,000m next summer

c. Beat GT on St.Stephen's day!!!

Gary Doherty…

a. Run 10 races I haven’t run before.

b. Improve upon five PB’s.

c. Finish first in some race or event –an egg and spoon race will do.

Mark Flannery...

a.To complete 10km in 40 minutes

b.To break 1hour 30 minutes for the half marathon

c.To be nice to my wife so she will let me train more! (and to hit close to 30 mins for the 8km)

Peter D

17 years 6 months ago

So many people want to break 40mins for 10k. We'll have to get you all together for a few tailored track sessions or tempo runs.

Best of luck with goal #3 Alan