
Word came through on Sunday morning via Twitter as follows: "Valerie Glavin 2nd Woman with 217.809k; Ruthann Sheehan 7th Woman with 188.714k; Mick Rice 30th Man 165.545k; Ray O'Connor 58th Man with 122.083k;" In the previous 24 hours, four members of Athenry AC had particpated in (and finished) a 24 hour race in Finland and these were the final results. Valerie Glavin clocked up 217.908KM! That is 135.34023800994873 miles to be very precise. The equivalent on 5.16 marathons or a five-plus marathons back to back at 4:39 pace! Those figures are just astonishing and I feel humbled even typing them. Mere words cannot describe the effort it must have taken, both mentally and physically, to cover that distance, around an enclosed 390M track. I'm told it's an Irish record too. Ruthann was not that far behind either. A fantastic achievement for a lady who only ran her first marathon back in April 2010! Neither Mick or Ray had good days at the office, which can so easily happen in such rarified climes and will have much better runs again in the near futre, of which I've absolutely no doubt. I will sign off now, as for once I'm speechless in admiration of the achievements of my club mates and look forward to hearing much more (excrutiating) detail of their day out up north :).


13 years 5 months ago

Congratulations Valerie My God what a fantastic run!!!
Congratulations also to Ruthann, Mick and Ray. Everyone is so so proud of ye.

See ye soon

ruth kilcawley

13 years 5 months ago

Amazing result Valerie and Ruthann, its motivating for all to see you train so diligently and to achieve so much. congratulations! ...and the guys too of course;)

sean shaughnessy

13 years 5 months ago

val your an absoloute inspiration to every man woman and child, i for one,am delighted to say with pride and admiration ' i know that girl' super stuff val, wats next......

Jennifer Garty

13 years 5 months ago

Valerie you are inspirational really!!! You worked so hard and we're so focused..Congratulations!! Roll on 26th of June..loads of time to let the Hair down and Toe Nails grow eh!! Can't wait to shake your Hand Valerie lol Jennifer XOX


13 years 5 months ago

Congrats Val you are amazing woman I will hold you in my thoughts every time i train to inspire me and every woman to try that little bet harder to achieve our goal and what an achievement x

Jennifer Garty

13 years 5 months ago

Congratulations Val, Ruthann, Mick and Ray..Well done to each of you for all your hard work..A great start to 2011..Valerie Roll on the Wedding!! Just enough time to let the Hair down and the Toe Nails grow eh!! Dying to see you when you get home XOX Jennifer

pauline murray

13 years 5 months ago

Wow, congratualtions valerie, what an achivement, hope you enjoyed every minute, all the training paid off. well done to they other members, ye are all brill to be able to run for 24hrs. give yourselves a tap on the back. Ye all are inspiration


13 years 5 months ago

I was trying to think was there anything I could do for 24hrs. Run? 4 hours max. Walk? Not a chance - perhaps 10 hours.. perhaps. Stand? Nope - I'd say only 3 or 4 hours. I don't think I could even sit down for 24 hrs. Well done Val et al from all at Craughwell AC.