
Well, the weather looks like holding and we'll be good to go tomorrow.

Some last minute instructions. 

Race number are available for collection from 9:30am in Presentation College Athenry Sports Hall.

On-the-day entries will be at a separate desk.

Parking is available at Presentation College Athenry, the Church Car Park, and the Raheen Woods link road.

If you're coming from the Motorway, you can take the recently opened bypass road straight to the Raheen Woods link road.

The race route is in good condition, relatively speaking, after the recent frost. There is one section at Castle Ellen, about the 4km mark which is badly damaged with potholes and care is advised on this section.

We're using the modified course, starting opposite Byrne Mech and finishing opposite the VEC, without going over the train tracks and going through the town. This is a certified course as used during the national 10km a few years back.

We're having some issues with water in the sports hall, but we'll still be able to provide refreshments. There might be some issues with showers, but hopefully it will be resolved by tomorrow.

We'll see you all tomorrow!

Alan Burke



13 years 8 months ago

Can you confirm that there are some "on the day entries" - you meantion it in the update above.

Hi Finbarr

We have a good number of on-the-day entries available.



13 years 8 months ago

Hi, I have been away since the second (with 2 of my friends who were also to do the 10km run). We came back late last night. So little notice to organise to turn up today....and we actually could not figure out based on website if it was registration that was open at 11.oo or the race starting at 11.00. I just want to clarify that our registration is automatically carried over to 2011? Thanks

Anybody who requested a deferral to the Dec 2011 event by sending us an email in advance has been entered into the Dec 2011 event. There is no 'automatic' transfer to the Dec 2011 event.


13 years 8 months ago

I note with interest that `a good number` of on-the-day entries were being taken for todays race. As someone who couldnt make the original date but would have liked to make the refixture, i just find it very frustrating, as i took it for granted that once your entry limit was reached that was that, so to speak? I understand how frustrating it must be to have to postpone with the weather again this year, but surely you must also realise that the Christmas holiday period can be a challenging time to make any race at such short notice, especially when travel plans are taken into consideration?

We did reach out entry limit for the original event, and entry was closed.

When we refixed, the aim was to schedule the event as soon as possible to accommodate as many people as we could.

As a number of people deferred their entries, we were in a position to offer a number of on-the-day entries for the refixed date.

We did make clear, as soon as we deferred, that it was likely a few on-the-day entries would be available.

I hope this clarifies the situation.