
Just five months into her new life as a runner, Martina Passman reports on progress so far and how she has been inspired by her coach, Maria Hehir. Congratulations Martina on your wonderful achievements in athletics from all of your clubmates.
Martina Reports:
Last March while driving to Corrondulla I  passed someone who was out for a run. Driving closer, I saw it was a neighbour of mine and that's when I decided I'd like to start running. Through this neighbour (Sinead Goaley) I heard about Fit 4 Life and joined later that month.
I'll never forget my first run/walk/crawl - all done in a roasting heavy cotton t-shirt and track-suit legs and my ten year-old  runners. My face glowed tomato-red - like I've never seen it before - but I was kind of proud of myself at the end. The women I ran with that day - and still do - were so encouraging that it made all the difference. I would have given up long ago only for that.
Now - almost six months and many miles later - I feel absolutely brillant. I've burned off a few pounds, toned up and my skin looks great. I'm a beautician by practice and there are some fab skin products out there, but a run in the fresh air and drinking enough water will do wonders for your skin that you can't buy in a bottle. I can hardly believe it myself that I've run in the Simon 10k, the Headford 8k and the recent Streets of Galway (It was awful crowded wasnt it?) and all in good times too.
After thanking the Good Lord above, there is someone else I have to thank too - the best coach anyone could ask for - and that is Maria Hehir. She taught me all the running lingo. She told me what 'pb' meant, about pacing myself - timing - tempo - fartlek running. She taught me how to stretch and how not to stretch, what to wear and what not to wear. I am so grateful to Maria for all of that.
My husband has started running too now and two other family members, so it's having a good effect all around.
So that's my story to date.
Good luck and all the best to all of you Fit 4 Lifers.
Keep going!  It gets easier... sort of.... :-)

Inspirational Coach - Maria Hehir

Inspirational Coach - Maria Hehir


13 years 11 months ago

Well done and well said Martina, a sentiment shared by all under Maria's wing here in Corofin. What started out as three runners enjoying the roads of Corofin has now turned into a group of eight plus, on a good morning, attracting and encouraging others to try it out.
But with Maria at the Helm there is only sucess as she brings one from walk - run to run - run - walk and eventually to just RUN in a gentle encouraging manner. Her gift is well appreciated by all that are lucky to run with her. An Athenry gem shining in Corofin :)


13 years 11 months ago

Martina I could not have put it better words myself. I started running 3 years ago with Maria and since then I have reached many of my goals 10k 10m 1/2 marathons thanks to her. Even on the days when it is cold wet in the middle of winter she is there and after the 1st km or 2 you forget about the weather and enjoy the nice to see some nice words regarding her she well deserves it.


13 years 11 months ago

I would have to agree after just 5 months I am totally surprised how easy it is to build up the miles maria explained how to work Macmillan pace calculated for training and the different training and if i find it hard to run on my own if she can she will run with me and help me build up my miles and for paceing me in headford and the streets she is always there with a smile and encouraging words we are lucky to have her thanks a mill Maria