
A series of tempo runs have been organised to tempt you off the couch on Thursday evenings over the next couple of months. Something like 30 people have already expressed their interest in taking part and the following schedule has been put together by Jane Ann Healy.

You can just show up at any of these runs unannounced, but be there on time please. If you let Jane Ann Healy know of your interest she'll keep you up to date with any changes to the plan or other arrangements. You can email her at [email protected]

Thursday 8th July, @ 6.30pm, Dangean

Thursday 15th July, @ 8.30pm, Renville Oranmore

Thursday 22nd July,  @ 6.30pm, Dangean,

Thursday 29th July, Lady's day at the Galway Races. Traffic will be bad and so no run.

Thursday 5th August,  @8.30pm, Renville Oranmore

Thursday 12th August, @ 7.30pm, Monivea Forest Park 

Thursday 19th August,  @6.30pm, Dangean

Thursday 26th August, @ 8.30pm, Renville Oranmore


14 years ago

What pace will ye be doing the run at, and do you have to be a member of Athenry AC to do the run

Mick Rice

14 years ago

Howdy - The pace will be different for individuals. The idea, as I understand it, is that people will run at the tempo pace that suits them and they work that out by reference to a recent race result using a calculator like McMillan ( The beauty of doing the session in a group is that there will most likely be someone there at your pace to encourage you along and keep you 'honest'. You do not have to be a member of the club to take part, just turn up and join in.

owen curran

14 years ago

hi ja. where about in dangan and renville do you meet for tempos?


14 years ago

Owen- Dangean down at the dressing rooms. Renville- at the graveyard (not a bad omen or anything!!). See you there