Provisional results attached as a PDF



17 years 10 months ago

Where's Alan Burke in the results? I'm fairly sure he beat Mick Rice home last night.


17 years 10 months ago

In reply to by jameslundon

I'd also like to point out that I was the 6th overall female but wasnt recognised as such at the awards ceremony...forgive me for being greedy...but someone took my place...hmph. fun race though.


17 years 10 months ago

In reply to by jameslundon

My glorious moment of victory didn't make the list.
I blame the official timer.. he was a dodgy looking sort.


17 years 10 months ago

The first 6 ladies were:Rosemary Ryan, Pauline Curley, Regina Casey,Veronica Colleran, Breege Blehein McHale, Nicola O'Ceallaigh. Two of these were in the veteran category. Any athlete who is capable of finishing in the top 6 deserves to be included in the prizes for the top 6. Age should NOT be a deciding factor. The veteran prizes are then distributed. One prize per athlete.

Check out the letter on page 6 of the current edition of the Irish Runner from Tracy Guilfoyle for an athletes view point on this issue.


I had considered responding to the letter from Tracey in the Irish runner.

She makes a fair point, but I think some athletes want to have their cake and eat it too.

If an vet [or even junior] athlete wants to be considered for an overall prize, fair enough.

However, it would seem realistic that they declare this at entry time.
ie, they declare as senior, or for their category.
But they couldn't enter both, and then pick the best prize they qualify for, depending on their performance.

As a race director yourself, you know it is difficult moving people from/to categories depending on their performance, or the performance of others, on the day.



17 years 10 months ago

hey guys, I'm not trying to debate the ethics of standings, I just honestly honestly thought, after perusing the results, that I was in fact overall lady #6, and that there was a distinction between age categories (as sometimes is the case, since I had to mark 'senior' on my entry form) and as a visiting student here in Ireland, I thought it would just be nice to have some memento of a decent finish if I really did deserve it.
the end.

Question Quigley

17 years 10 months ago

Ah, child. You need to read the entry form to see how the awards were to be awarded.


17 years 9 months ago

In reply to by Question Quigley

Dear Question,

Before condescending, I did read the entry form, and if you were to read the entry form, the one as a .pdf attachment from this website, you may very well not find any information as to how awards would be handed out, if at all...because the form I read did not mention awards.
Lets please stop ganging up on the foreigner.

First of all, there's no ganging up on the foreigner. We're only too happy to have guest runners!

Glad to see the website is of use to guests.

Second, you're right, the entry form doesn't make it so clear how the prizes will be awarded.

This is a common complaint/gripe among some runners.
TJ mentioned that there is a letter in this months Irish runner complaining about how the prizes are sometimes awarded.

I have given my opinion above, that athletes should only be allowed enter one category, and they should decide pre-race what that should be.

The real problem is a lack of consistency.

Some races decide give top 6 places to the first 6 runners.
If any of those are vets/juniors, they are removed from category prizes, and everyone in their category moves up one place.
This is how Loughrea managed it.

Some other races make you choose a category beforehand, and you stick to that [my preferred solution].

Some races will let you win an overall prize AND a category prize.

Rarely is it explicity said how categories are decided beforehand.

I guess it's one thing we had better get right for our own race on St Stephen's Day!



17 years 9 months ago

Thanks for clearing things up. As I said before, I really just thought I took a different place in that race than the results said, but I just missed a name. But it doesn't really matter how awards are doled out; although its exciting, I honestly don't care--that shouldn't change the times we run, the effort we put forth, and the commaraderie of the race!


17 years 9 months ago

My last comment on the subject.

Ballycotton Ten have a rule that is well publicised prior to the event---one prize per runner. If a runner is in the main prize list he/she gets that prize provided it is of higher value that a category prize. This would seem to prevent an athlete being penalised because of age----if you are good enough to feature in the main prizes so be it.

In a race in Tipperary( I think)some time ago the first lady home was in the over 40 category but she did not get the overall pize but got 1st over 40 instead with the 1st prize going to the second placed runner. I would think this is not fair.


17 years 9 months ago

I seem to have changed sex during the Loughrea 5K as my number and time was alloted to a Colm Moylette, we have same surname, but I was running for Mayo Athletic Club in Over 35 Female section.
