Well It was either this or the Parade. Alan Burke's Race Report; Tubbercurry 10km 2006

Mary Porter's report here

On St. Patrick's Day, the options I had were to stand around in the bitter cold in Athenry and watch a parade of snotty kids and Agricultural machinery, sometimes all at once, or hit the N17 north to Tubbercurry for a 10km road race. Myself and Johnny O'Connor met Andy Talbot at Claregalway and after a bit of confusion [Andy's new vehicle was in the wrong Car Park], we hit north for Tubbercurry.

Quiet road and dry weather got us there in plenty of time, so there was a bit of sitting around in Killoran's [a step back in time, as they say themselves], before a few hardy souls showed up. I had the great pleasure of hearing people praise this very website from the far side of the room while waiting around. Fame at last!

We finally got around to running a bit of a warm-up, but unless you ran 4 minute miles, it was really only a cool-even-further-down. The start was delayed by 15 minutes causing frantic redonning of clothing for prevent frostbite. And eventually they let us off.

A lap around the town saw Conor Maloney of GCH lead them off, but Craughwell's Mike Tobin wasn't far from the business end of things. Lucy Brennan of Sligo had already a hold of the Women's race by the 1km mark as we headed uphill, out the countryside after the first short lap downtown.

There was a 2km gentle climb that strung out the field, and I found myself running alone for much of the next 5km. A small group had formed including Tom Hunt, Johnny O' Connor and Brege McHale. I toyed briefly with the idea of reeling them in and hanging on but I had more pressing thoughts: Could the cold weather cause any damage to any future parental ambitions that I might have? Time will tell, I suppose.

The person handing out water at the half-way mark had [in the interests of their own safety, given the weather, no doubt] abandonded their post and left cups of water on a chair. By the time I had got there I was left to pick up a plastic cup of ice and suck on it to try and retreive some moisture... I think I'd read about Tom Crean trying something similar [or was it MacGuyver...].

At about the 6km mark I was passed by two runners [ How are ye Ollie and David], whom I later find out were 'unaffiliated'. This bugs me. I wear a proper running vest. Surely T-shirt wearing wannabees should be traling in my dust? Maybe I should do some more mileage. James Lundon swears by it, but Mike Tobin scoffs at the idea. Who knows?

As this stage I could still see Johnny and Tom Hunt running side by side, having dropped Breege McHale and closing down on Andy.

With about 2km to go, I stepped up the pace a little and tried to reel in the two who had overtaken me, and I really let rip for the last km, all downhill into town, running it in about 3 mins even to finish in 40:07. I was happy enough with that, given the conditions and lack of mileage in preparation. I didn't catch the lads, they has 15 secs on me in fariness to them.

Andy held off both Johnny and Tom, who lost out to Johnny in a sprint finish, Ming you it took a PB from Johnny with 39:16 to do that. Mike tobin's 37:12 was good enough for 15th, while Conor Maloney managed 34:34 for 4th behind Mayo's John Byrne, winner in 33:02 who outsprinted Sligo's Gary Higgins to win, ahead of Paul Ward.

Lucy Brennan picked up the Women's prize with 37:12, with Breege McHale second. Noreen McManamon was third ahead of GCH's Michelle Lynch who ran a fantastic 41:51. Bernie Kelly struggled with a hamstring injury and finished someway off her best with 49:24.

There was plenty of Tea and Sandwiches after the 'how cold can we get' run down. I picked up a spot prize [ along with nearly every entrant in fairness]. It will have to do untill I find that extremely-low-key event that I can win!

Next Stop Maam Cross and The Connemara Half Marathon. My Goal of Sub 1:30 are looking shaky!

Alan Burke


Did I mention it was cold?

trevor hunter

18 years 4 months ago

Ran the tubber 10k which as alan understated was cooold!
Your website is fantastic ,entertaining and comprehensive
We in sligo use it to find out what is happening where.
In fact coming up to the tubber race there was some doubt as to the starting time etc and a dearth of info in the local press , so I was reliably informed the the Athenry website said 12.30 Good enough for me . Yours is the gold standard for running info in Ireland !


18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by trevor hunter

Thanks for the kind comments Trevor,

Mick Rice does most of the hard work in updating the site with new content.

Good to see that people are actually using the site.


PS I've got another running website on the way, which all going well, will be even better!

Oliver Mc Geehan

18 years 4 months ago

Great Website Guys. I ran Tubbercurry myself and despite the cold weather i really enjoyed it. I find ur website really informative on displaying upcoming races well in advance which is great especially for planning training. We're lucky 2 get a weeks notice here in sligo on anything happenin, a real shame. Keep up the good work guys.