
This weekend approximately twenty Athenry runners will make the trip to the capital to take part in the Dublin City Marathon which doubles as the AAI National Marathon Championships. For the last five or six years the club has sent strong contingents to this race and each time it has proven to be one of the most enjoyable running weekends of the year. Many, many training miles have been run over the past few months and this is perhaps the best prepared 'outfit' we've ever sent to the race. Hopefully there’ll be a reward for all the hard work that has been invested.

We also want to wish the best of luck to the other runners from clubs in Galway and Mayo who are making the trip. There are very competitive teams travelling from GCH, Craughwell and Mayo AC amongst others.

Let's all hope for some decent weather and some good luck in running on the day.

Go for it!

Mike O'Connor - GCH - National Marathon Champion 2007

Mike O'Connor - GCH - National Marathon Champion 2007
Maeve, Frank and Family at the Expo in 2007

Maeve, Frank and Family at the Expo in 2007


15 years 9 months ago

Best of Luck to all who is taken part in the Marathon for many it will be a first.
Thanks especially to Mick for all his wise words of Advise on training it was much appreciated.


15 years 9 months ago

In reply to by Maria

Doing my first marathon on Monday. Have done all my training with a garmin 405, mostly in Dangan. Just wondering would you recommend using this watch in Dublin City as the reception would not be as good Dangans wide open spaces. It would be disastrous for me if it crashed while running.


15 years 9 months ago

In reply to by Anonymous

Well, If you use it all the time, use it on Monday.
Remember, never do anything different on the big day!

Also remember if it does crash, that running is done primarily with the legs, so just get on with it :-)