
When the photograph at the top of this article was being taken before the Streets of Galway in Eyre Square back in 2001 we were able to get almost our full contingent into the picture although, from what I remember, one or two were busy ogling the fitness instructors who were doing a disco-dance style warm-up routine in the middle of the square. This year Athenry AC has 64 members in the final list of entries posted by GCH this week. We'll need a wide angled lens to get all those finely toned bodies into the same picture this time around.

It's interesting to note that of the 10 people in the picture 8 are still going strong with the club seven years later - hopefully that means we're doing something right as a club. If you want to see how some of these people ran back in August 2001 have a look at the bottom of this piece after the list of this years 64 Athenry heroes. Unfortunately some of them don't actually appear in the version of the results I have. I wonder how many will beat their 2001 time in 2008?

Make sure to turn up at the Front of Jury's Hotel at 06:15pm on Saturday evening (race starts at 07:00pm) for this years photo. If you'd like to join your clubmakes for a post-race meal at Al Muretto Italian Restaurant please e-mail [email protected] to book your seat. A table is booked for 09:00pm.

2 Maire Treasa Beatty

966 Mark Breen

967 Grainne Breen

1481 Brian Bruton

107 Alan Burke

176 Frank Burke

1184 Ann Carter

1185 Ita Carter

1960 Caroline Collins

125 Finbarr Connolly

1521 James Corbett

1720 Owen Curran

203 Cepta Daley

1673 Tony Daley

170 Peter Delmer

23 Gary Doherty

996 Rena Doherty

547 Conor Dolan

539 Edward Egan

1046 Tracey Fahy

204 Assumpta Feeney

1639 Mark Flannery

2018 Patricia Foley

1244 Seamus Gilhooley

1714 Michael Glynn

781 Conor Griffin

506 Jane-Ann Healy

173 Maria Hehir

1716 Martin Keane

1235 Yvonne Keary

60 Larry Kelly

158 Seb Locteau

124 Peter Lowney

145 James Lundon

381 Anne Lyng

123 Philip Magnier

945 Aonghus McGuiness

121 Cathal McLaughlin

112 Noreen McNamara

1329 Aileen McNamara

1576 Darragh Mc Shane

163 Brid Moran

218 Pauline Mulqueen

74 Pauline Murray

841 Liam Mycroft

143 Jeff Noone

175 Maeve Noone

1470 Brian O'Connor

721 John O'Connor

2192 Ray O'Connor

261 Bob Reilly

147 Mick Rice

187 Michael Rooney

652 Ann M Ruane

768 Iain Shaw

327 Mel Stanley

833 Peter Strange

231 Niamh Tierney

257 Michelle Tooher

168 Miriam Wall

117 Eleanor Walsh

119 Anne-Marie Walsh

698 Bridget Ann Walsh

1504 Elaine Walsh

Selected 2001 Results

Peter Delmer 30:45

Mick Rice 32:08

Gary Doherty 33:10

James Corbett 34:52

Owen Curran 35:24

Ray O'Connor 38:23

Liam Mycroft, Philip Magnier and James Lundon don't appear in the copy of the results that I have.

Mick Rice

15 years 11 months ago

Who else would spot our typos :-)

And here was me thinking you'd be busy with the race...