At the third running of our fun handicap 10km last Friday, Peader Nugent got his prediction closest to his clock time to pick up First place in the 'Predict your own time 10km". Barry Beirne from neighbours Loughrea was even closer as he was first guest with a predicted time just 1 second outside his actual time.

The weather just about held off as Derek Conerney, Mary and crew pulled out all the stops to produce a great spread at the BarBque.

Initial panic from this correspondent at the car park full of cars at 6pm [an unscheduled Hurling Blitz], gave way to calm from James Corbett who handled registration with aplomb.

Runners were on the way at 7:30 sharp, so the trains didn't upset the race!, and Seamus Gilhooley abandoned thoughts of an easy jog around to pip Daragh O Brien on the line. 28 more people crossed the line, with at least 2 people setting PBs.

I had to fight to keep control of the laptop from the impatient masses while preparing the result - and then nearly made a hames of it by giving a prize to James Lundon.

A pity the weather wasn't at it's best, but at least we didn't get soaked.

A special word of thanks to the walking wounded who helped out with impromptu marshalling duties.

Results attached



16 years ago

I robbed myself of a prize by slowing up towards the finish, thinking I was going too fast. If I'd ran truly, I'd have been amongst the prizes instead of languishing in 5th, 11 seconds off my target time :*). Another expensive lesson learnt!

I'll be better prepared next year...

Maire Treasa Beatty

16 years ago

Well done Alan you did a great job. Fair play to Derek, Mary and Crew the food was great. It was a lovely evening and sure we had to have a shower!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone had a good time. Thanks