(20 minutes 24 seconds)

Done and dusted, almost!

Everyone who did four or five races get their T-shirt?

jameslundon at yahoo dot co dot uk


Michael Tobin

17 years 2 months ago

Well done to everyone involved with the 5k series this year. It turned out to be a fantastic success. Particularly well done to the guys from Athenry AC who were the nucleus of the organising team. And particularly particularly well done to James Lundon for his hours of computation of results for each of the races - a major task for 1 race but to do it so efficiently for 5 races on the trot a week apart was exceptional. It was amazingly straightforward to organise the Craugwell race in the series and this was thanks to the meticulous preparation and post-race activity done by the likes of Mick Rice and James. Take a bow guys!

Wally Walsh

17 years 2 months ago

Just to add to Mikes words of congratulations as one who didn't run but 'wore a yellow jacket' for two runs congrats to all involved. The increase in numbers was a testament to all the hard work put in and the great organisation. Even the weather Gods supported the series this year.

The buzz at Daingean last Tuesday was brilliant.