
The final race of this series was run last evening in Dangan. As with all of the other races we were very lucky with the weather and over 280 runners took part in the five kilometre run around the beautiful Dangan parkland track. We had our first celebrity runner on the evening, if you don't count Bernie Kelly that is, with the inclusion of Tommy Tiernan in the field. Hope you enjoyed the trot, Tommy.

Once again the organisation was of a very high standard and our grateful thanks goes to all the Galway City Harriers members and officials who made the race go so smoothly. From registration to results gathering, I don't think there can have been too many complaints. The revised course was a big hit with everyone from what we could judge. As regards the running action, Paul McNamara of Athenry AC came home ahead of the field. All through the field of runners there were scenes of great satisfaction as many people were completing their fifth race in as many weeks, which is a fantastic achievement.

After the running and walking had been completed many of us retired to Kellehans public house for a well earned bite and a few drinks. Aching limbs were rested and stories were told, some of which were even true. Michelle Lynch distributed spot prizes like an elegant Santa Claus and all was well with the world.

Literally hundreds of people have taken part in the series this year and the feedback from runners and walkers has been almost universally positive. It has to be admitted that one chap got quite upset last evening about the dearth of series t-shirts in his particular size, but in expressing his dissapointment he achieved the distinction of being the sole discordant voice over all five of the race evenings.

You can't please absolutely all of the people all of the time :-)

Results and photos to come as soon as humanly possible.

See ye all next year...


17 years 2 months ago

Well done to all on a fantastic series - I thoroughly enjoyed the four races I could make. Special thanks should go to the walking wounded who turned up at all the races as stewards even though they weren't running - Rory, Mick, Brian, etc. Lesser people would be at home sulking. Hopefully you will all be back in action for next years series and it'll be someone elses turn to man the gun. This comment system is very biased against people that can't add .. I just got 5+7 wrong!


17 years 2 months ago

good route,good hard run but what is with the lack of kilometer markers,a tad confusing!

I'm afraid you were obviously running too hard and fast to see the markers.
They were all there, before during and after the race!

Bernie Kelly wouldn't have it any other way!


Cian Blake

17 years 2 months ago

Yes - seconded by myself. Organisation of all 5 races was top class and it does the heart good to see over 200 runners turn up on Spring Tuesday evenings tempted by nothing more than the simple joy of charging around the country lanes as fast as you can. Just goes to show what can be achieved without the corporate or advertising dollars and a lot of good will and enthusiasm.

Personally my favourite was Loughrea as a new addition and flying down the finish hill, heart bursting, to go under 20 minutes for the first time ever having spent the previous kilometre cursing the hill with all my might.

A massive thank you and congratulations to the sign holders, photographers, yellow jacket wearers, water fillers and time keepers involved. See you all next year.

Maire Kelly

17 years 2 months ago

I second that! It took a lot of organisation and between the great weather and the hard working team behind the series, it was great to be part of it over the past month. Great t shirts too.Thanks again!

Pink Panter

17 years 2 months ago

Like the man says, a great run of races and kind weather. Thanks to all involved along the way. My order of preference (75% based on quality of 5k course ) is Loughrea, Craughwell, Tuam, Athenry, Dangan).
A suggestion: Replace Dangan with 5k course at Claregalway ( at the 10k base) , better surface, a good sports hall venue, easier access from all directions, no loose gravel and dangerous holes in the ground! CRH/GCH joint operation. Thanks too to the results/ photos/video service providers.