A little belated on the update front but here's a list of the 'special' awards for those from the club who are gifted in other areas apart from speed. The awards were presented at the club party...so if your name is here but you didn't make it to the party, your gift has been thoughtfully recycled to another worthy recipient!
- Jas Lundon - The "God loves a trier" award, for most attempts at a sub-40min 10km since 2002 (special prize of nipple guards awarded on the night).
Image - Owen Curran - The "Florence Nightingale" award for contribution to medical science (most injuries).
Image - Peadar Nugent 'Marathon runner of the decade' for unbroken (?) string of DCM finishes in last 10 years.
- The "Kathrine Switzer" award for brave first female member of club - Bridget Ann
Image - Maeve Noone 'Ironmammy of the year' award - for getting her husband through IM, her daughter through leaving cert, doing two marathons in 2012 not to mention being mammy to a hundred Fit4Life'ers.
- John O'Connor 'Race Prep of the Year' award (we couldn't retrieve the photo of him sneaking a ciggie but see the accompanying pic with this story -you get the gist)
- Scarlet Pimpernel award for the incredible disappearing Peter Delmer. Now he's running.....where is he?
Image - ValerieGlavin - Alberto Salazar award for "Athletics advisor to the stars" - post AAI awards (advisor to Pauline Curley, Eamonn Coughlan, among others...)
- George Livianos - ultra crew of the decade
- 'Duel in the Sun' best marathon rivalry award - Frank Burke and Valerie (joint award)
- Rear of the year award - finalists Jas Lundon (for the special knees socks/ social worker shorts combo); Assumpta Feeney and Janet Clancy.
Conclusion is that James is NOT Rear of the Year....

Quotes from Profiles http://www.athenryac.com/news/athlete-profiles
