
Pacers have become a regular feature of big city marathons, helping people achieve their time goals by setting a steady place, providing encouragement and inspiration when the going gets tough. For plenty of people, time goals at the Fields of Athenry 10km are just as important, and we're going to do a little to help.

This year, we'll have pacers for 40 mins, 50 mins and 1 hour, with 2 pacers at each time slot. We've a couple of volunteers from within our club, but we could do with a few more. You'll need to be able to run the target time comfortably and evenly. We'll sort you out with a free entry and given you some tips from expert pacer Mick Rice who has paced a number of marathons under 3 hours. This year in Cork, he ran rock-steady for three hours to finish in 2:59:48. In short, this man knows what he is doing. 

Just drop race director Iain Shaw an email at [email protected] if you're interested. 


11 years 9 months ago

Oh don't worry you will know - we will use a balloon or a flag or a big stick and a sign with the time of the pacer - they will be VERY visible.  We have a lot of experience in providing pacers at races and you can be assured they will get you in on time.
