
Being the unedited transcripts from e-mails in response to James A. Lundon's urgings. (Did all you people pass your Leaving Certificate English?)

Late entries to this list are fine; it's got to be before the race though.

Best of luck to everyone in achieving them, and remember to enjoy it all as well.



Sineád Brody

1. Quit being Lazy and go to Training.

2. Beat people who beat me. [ may guarantee a pb also ]

3. Do the DCM comfortably and under 4 hrs.

3. Wear the Athenry singlet.

4. Wear no headphones.


Assumpta Feeney

1. Run to a race, race the race, then run home again. Just to fit in.

2. Quit complaining to Michelle and Anne about how tired I am. Just once.

3. Complete DCM 2012.


Peter Lowney

Sub 42 min 10km,

Sub 4 hour marathon

New PB for the mile


Martin Keane

Is this Athenry AC version of Operation Transformation?

In 7th Jan 2010 (two years ago) I sent the following 'goals' to Mick:

10K 50 min

10 mile 88 min

13.1 mile 1-55

marathon 4-20

since then my best times have been





Got them all except the 50 min 10K. This year hoping to get as close as possible to those times


Valerie Glavin

Dublin Marathon in 3:30 for me please


Ray O’Connor

3:10 Marathon

100 miles in Helsinki

20 Marathons


Tony Killarney

Sub 40 minutes for 10K

Sub 1:30 for half marathon

Sub 3:00 for marathon


Maura T. Beatty

O go away James I have hurt my back I can hardly walk!!


Brigid Anne Walsh




Stretch Goal = 1 Marathon in 03.45 or better this year

Unrealistic Goal  = To beat my wife at 1 event this year (does it count if she is not actually participating in the specific event I choose?)


Madden, Louise

My aim for 2012 is to improve my time on the 8k and to do a 10k at some stage throughout the year!!!


Delmer, Peter

To keep getting up on that training bandwagon, every time I fall off.


Paul Giblin



Patrick Forde

1. To do a sub 40 10k before I die

2. To break 3.45 in Ballyvaughen.

3. To build up enough brownie points to  get to go to the Brussles Marathon (not looking good at the minute!)

4. To eventually break 3.20 at the DCM.


Paul Keane

1. Finish connemara safely.

2. Run a 5k pb.



Anne Lyng

Targets for 2012


sub 24 min 5km,

sub 42 min 8km,

sub 51 min 10km,

run Dublin City Marathon...


Iain Shaw

1. Break 5K PB,

2. Break 8K PB,

3. Break 10K PB,

4. Break HM PB in Great Birmingham Run



frank burke

I think i have had the same targets for the last 7/8 years but i broke 1 last year(going under 40 min for the 10k)

1 dont get injured

2 under 10.30  hour for ironman barcelona

3 beat owen curran in a road race.!


Mark Flannery

Now that I resumed running after a few years off due to family comittments I sat a few goals.

1: Portumna marathon

2: PB 10K

3: PB 8K


james corbett

my goals for the year is to break 1 hr 10 min in Craughwell.

TO run more than 10 races and have more time for running.


Miriam Wall

I need a few days to ponder!!!


Sebastien Locteau

Seb finally back to run 1 or 2 marathon + 1 ultra...... but worry if I say it it will bring bad luck :-)


Liam Mycroft

2012 - My Hopes

To have a year without injuries stopping me from running. (No gout again, please!)

To complete 1 Marathon in South America while I'm down here (I have 3 entered, Santiago/Chile, Rosario/Argentina and Puente del Este/Uruguay)...

(See above for reasons why I haven't managed it in two years!).

To run the Dublin Marathon in October and beat my son, who will also be running it...

To get back under 50 minutes for 10Km (Again, see above re the injuries)...


Malachy Conlon

Sub 45  10k

Sub 75 10m

run a marathon


Rice, Michael

Sub 3:20 50k

Sub 4:20 Connemara Ultra (39.3m)

Be able to go for a training run late on 31st Dec 2012


Noel Fox

Complete Kinvara half

Complete connemara marathon 2012.

PB 3hr 20min dublin marathon 2012


John Langan

Target for 2012 - A runner's chant

Train from January to November.

Enjoy the pain and try to remember,

to always run with a smile on your faces.

During this year I'll compete in some races

and if I manage all this I'll be be a proud club member


Sinead Foran

Right - here goes - no pressure of course :-))

Sub 20:00 mins for 5k

Sub 42:00 for 10K

Sub 1.35 half marathon

Pass out Frank Burke in any race instead of the other way around for a change ;-))


Marie O'Connor

Survive the year!!!


James Lundon

1) Do a 100 mile month (last was January 2010)
2) Do a sub-20 5KM (last was 14 October 2008)
3) Do a sub-42 10KM (last was 20 April 2008)
4) Do a marathon (last was DCM 2009)
5) Do more running than talking about running!


Philip Magnier

1. Craughwell 10 in 70 mins (Optimistic)

2. May 5k in 20:30 (Optimistic)

3. Dublin Marathon in 3:30 (Reasonable)

4. Keep beating James Lundon (Fairly Reasonable)

Marie O'C

12 years 4 months ago

My last goal is now my only!!! LOL