
James Lundon

  • Sub 20:00 5km (failed in 2009 with two 20:09s)
  • Sub 41:00 10km (failed in 2009 - 10 sub-41s lifetime)
  • Sub 70:00 10 Mile (sub-70 in Ballycotton in my last four attempts)
  • Sub 1:35 half marathon (1:36 PB from 2009, which is still soft enough)
  • Sub 3:50 marathon (failed over the last five years and 6 marathons i.e. forever)
  • Beat Dave Dunne and Brian Geraghty when both are going well enough for it to matter to me
  • One thousand miles for the year (done twice before - '06 and '07)

Paul McNamara

  • PB in spring marathon
  • Retire from competitive running OR PB in fall marathon 
  • Represent Roscommon at Macra Na Feirme's Queen of The Plough competition

Tony Killarney

  • Run every day
  • Sub 20:00 5km.
  • Sub 3:00 marathon

Ray O’Connor

  • Complete 25 Marathons in 2010
  • Get through the 10 Marathons in 10 Days (again)
  • Qualify for Badwater 2011

Lyall Guiney

  • Sub 65:00 for 10 miles (Ballycotton or otherwise)
  • Sub 40:00 for a 10km
  • Sub 3:15 in the Cork marathon.

Valerie Glavin

  • Sub 3:00 Marathon
  • A six-pack
  • To keep ahead of Miriam Wall!!!

Iain Shaw

  • Medals, lots more medals.  I know they say its just the taking part, but forget that, I'm in it to win it.
  • Bring a major throwing event to Connaught; it’s the only province not to host the Irish Throwing Club.
  • Take part in a weights pentathlon (Shot, Discus, Javelin, Hammer and Weight Throw)
  • Take part in at least one Highland Games.
  • Run the summer 5K series (I think 5K is my limit these days !!)

Maria Hehir

  • To complete at least two full marathons.
  • 15 half marathons
  • Run a 3:45 marathon and qualify for entry to Boston in 2011
  • Stay injury free & enjoy the training
  • And just maybe then an ultra marathon:-)

Anne Hunter

  • To complete my 1st Connemara Half in 2:15 -> 2:20’ish
  • To complete my second Half Marathon in Longford in 1:59’ish (Anything under 2:00 would be great)
  • Last but not least, to run the last event in the 5k series (the Dangan one, how I hate that course) with a smile!!!!

Jeff Noone

  • Sub 40:00 10km.
  • Beat Dave Dunne & James Lundon every time we race
  • Set new PB's in 5km, 5 miles, 10km

Frank Burke

  • Stay Injury Free For the Year
  • Complete a Half Ironman Triathlon
  • Get ahead of Mr. Curran

Owen Curran

  • Had a shite year with illness so to get back feeling well and staying well
  • Run Dublin in 2.59!!!! (Contravenes above)
  • Keep F.B. as far behind me as possible in ALL significant races

Eimear Butler

  • Run the Boston Marathon on April 19th 2010 and beat my PB
  • Run a 19 minute 5km
  • Run a 40 minute 10km

Michelle Tooher

  • Break the 2:00 in the Connemara half
  • Get comfortably under 25:00 in the 5km
  • Get close to a 50:00 10km

Alan Burke

  • Stay Injury Free
  • Sub 17:00 5km
  • Redesign website

Niamh Tierney

  • I'm counting the seconds to being able to get off a chair normally, stop walking like a duck and see my feet again after baby arrives
  • Recover as fast as possible from months of being a couch potato and start back walking, then running hopefully
  • All going well, take part in the 5km series

Brian Bruton

  • Marathon in 2:38
  • Ten Miles in 56:00
  • ‘Streets of Galway’ in as close to 26:00 as possible

Seb Locteau

  • Finish Ironman China
  • Swim across the channel
  • A few marathons

Ian Quinn

  • To complete a marathon in 2010 in under 4 hours

Elaine Walsh

  • No moaning about sore feet!
  • Break 40 in a 10k
  • To run a marathon and be happy with the time!!

Peter Lowney

  • Sub 42 mins for a 10km
  • New PB for the marathon
  • Sub 1:44 for a half marathon

…and to revive the Celtic tiger, the sooner the better!
Maire Treasa Beatty
My ONE and only goal this year is to get back to running. Went out for a walk today. I used to run 20min up the bog road beside my house and back again so 40min used to think great run done for the day and go down to the beach for my dip!! Today my first day off since Nov 14th I walked up the same distance and took me an Hour and a half!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my hip was sore!!
Miriam Wall

  • Do a half Iron Man distance triathlon this year (70.3 Miles)
  • Do sub 45 min 10km (sub 44 mins would be even better!)
  • Do sub 100 min half marathon

Seamie Gilhooley

  • Get fit
  • Beat Mike Rice over 10k, convincingly.
  • Big 5k pb

Mick Rice

  • Arrive at the startline of the Connemara Ultra fit and with the training done
  • Complete a 24 hour race to my full potential
  • Finish the Streets of Galway ahead of Brian Bruton

Peadar Nugent

  • Get my right hip and left shoulder  back to full health following two surgical interventions during 2009.
  • Get my right hip and left shoulder  back to full health following two surgical interventions during 2009; and
  • Yes, you've guessed it: Get my right hip and left shoulder  back to full health following two surgical interventions during 2009

James Corbett

  • To break 1hr 10 min in Craughwell 10 mile     
  • To do at least one marathon  
  • To run more than 30 races in 2010 

Deirdre Hassett
See “2009: A Year of Running Gracefully”


Brian Winston …

14 years 6 months ago

PB in So Cal usa is Pacific Beach. Thus, one can get a pb in PB!