
It's hard to believe it but it's all over for another year. Last night saw the final race in the Galway 5km Series for 2009 being run in warm summer sunshine around the parkland of Dangan. Great credit has to go to the members of the Galway City Harriers Club who hosted the evening and who put on a great race within the limited space available. It was a pleasure for all of the members from other clubs, and for those of no club, to relax into such safe organisational hands. Particular thanks must go to the many volunteers from GCH and other clubs who gave up their evening's running to deal with race tasks like water stops, t-shirts, spot prizes, stewarding, and finish line recording. None of us should ever forget that without the volunteers that assist at these races that the races themselves just wouldn't happen. Next chance you get a chance - hug a volunteer!!!

The race last evening was a welcome opportunity to feel something other than tarmac or concrete beneath our shoes and a great example of what makes this series great - each race is just that little bit different.

GCH Girls...

GCH Girls...

The series shirts and spot prizes were distributed to those who qualified and it was a pleasure to see so many people who had run 5 or 6 of the races proudly wearing their series souvenir shirts both in the race itself and afterwards.

After the racing was done many people retired to the Westwood Hotel for drinks and snacks and to chat about the miles we have covered together over the last six weeks. The six Galway Clubs involved, Athenry, Tuam, Craughwell, Clare River Harriers, Loughrea and Galway City Harriers can be proud of what they have achieved as a group this year and each of the last four years that the series has been run. Not alone does the series give a great boost to the local running scene but contributes significant funds to support the local juvenile athletics programmes run by the AAI in Galway.

Snapper John

Snapper John

I'm told that GCH hope to produce a race result very soon (keep an eye on their web-site for updates) and that some pictures of the action, taken last night by our very own 'Lord Snowdon' aka John O'Connor will be available on this site in a while.

Until next time...cheers!