
Mel Casserly who is involved with this fine race tells us, "We had a great turnout for the race this year with over 300 runners and walkers participating, on a rainy day when we were not expecting significant numbers to show up. Times were slightly down on last year, with the winner local man Phil Kilgallon coming home in 34 minutes 36 seconds. First woman home was a local runner with a national profile, Lucy Brennan, in a great time of 37 minutes 27 Seconds. A great day was had, apart from the rain, with over 100 kids taking part in the kids races in advance. A big spread of cakes, buns and tarts along with buckets of tea was enjoyed by all participants afterwards in the oxfield sports centre."



15 years 3 months ago

Most impressive 10k time of the year looks to have been run in this race if someone can confirm that the Cian McBride who finished in position 24 in a time of 39.33 is the same Cian McBride who runs with North Sligo AC in the U13 age group?

Any way you can confirm that Mick?