
Pictured Above: Johnny O'Connor describes the first hill out of Leenane.

The say that a picture speaks a thousand words.

Well, as I don't have time to write the thousand words here are some snapshots of the action in Connemara over the weekend. There was some fantastic racing out there amongst the hills and our club was well respresented in all three races with some stunning performances to boast of from our athletes.

Obviously, our congratulations go first and foremost to Valerie Glavin for her fine win in the ultra-marathon. There must have been something in the air around Athenry over the winter as I'm told that another Athenry AC woman, Diane Hogan-Murphy, placed third in the ultra-marathon - take a well earned bow Diane!! Another couple of performances that caught the eye were those of Michelle Tooher and Assumpta Feeney in the half marathon. These two athletes graduated through the Fit4Life programme and yesterday completed half marathons in 2:02:14 and 2:03:46 respectively, an astonishing achievement.

News also comes to hand that Maeve Noone (1:51:12), Breege McGrath (1:55:29), Brid Moran (2:02:26) and Maria Hehir (1:52:31) all reduced their race times by 10-15 minutes from the same event last year. Our correspondant describes all three as being 'Well Happy' with their races. Well done!

The Scarlet Pimpernell, aka Peter Delmer, ran the race on light running training and a few mountain miles but natural talent will out and he crossed the line in a highly respectable 1:32:30.

The brother of the boss, Johnny "No.1" O'Connor completed the course in 1:22:53 which shows that his preparations for the forthcoming London Marathon are on track.

Frank Burke had great run in the 'half' crossing the line in 1:31:13 which obviously bodes well for his forthcoming trip to Boston. All that training is obviously paying off.

Jane-Anne Healy (1:31:19) had a strong run in the half marathon as well, finishing just behind Frank Burke and side by side with Paul Kilkelly in 1:31:19. It's obviously not just Madonna that gets a body guard when she goes running.

With so many runners from the club competing in the races, and assisting in the race organisation, there must be many more great stories that deserve to be told so why don't you drop me a line at [email protected] and I'll make sure they get the attention they deserve. Race reports would be especially welcome.

We should also express our thanks to Ray O'Connor and his team at Proactive for putting this race on in the first place. Can anyone imagine the running year in Galway without the Connemarathon races to enjoy? One thing is sure - the world would be a poorer place without the Connemarathon.

Three Serious Dudes - Andy Norman, Lezan Kimutai and Ron Hill

Three Serious Dudes - Andy Norman, Lezan Kimutai and Ron Hill
Andy and Leezan duke it out at the two mile mark in the half marathon...

Andy and Leezan duke it out at the two mile mark in the half marathon...
Ron and The Scarlet Pimpernel

Ron and The Scarlet Pimpernel
Who's Number One  - Johnny's Number One!

Who's Number One - Johnny's Number One!
Shane Boyle leads Simone Grassi in the full marathon at mile fourteen....but not for long!

Shane Boyle leads Simone Grassi in the full marathon at mile fourteen....but not for long!
Vasiliy Neumerzhitskiy on his way to victory in the men's ultra marathon...

Vasiliy Neumerzhitskiy on his way to victory in the men's ultra marathon...
Satisfied Customers - Michelle Tooher and Assumpta Feeney

Satisfied Customers - Michelle Tooher and Assumpta Feeney
The Smile Says it All - A Job Well Done

The Smile Says it All - A Job Well Done
A Selection From The Athenry Raiding Party

A Selection From The Athenry Raiding Party
Tired But Happy - Ms Glavin and Ms Beatty

Tired But Happy - Ms Glavin and Ms Beatty
What More Could You Ask For ?

What More Could You Ask For ?

Jane Campbell

15 years 4 months ago

1st -Johnny's photo is hilarious!
2nd - Why is Jane Ann's leg being pointed at??

Vasiliy Neumer…

15 years 4 months ago

to Milk Rice.
Hi Mick,if you have some fotos for me,send by mail,please.