The AAI Galway County Board AGM, which took place on Tuesday the 15th of November in Oranmore, heard reports of a healthy increase in athletic activity in the county.

Secretary, Tom Finnegan from Craughwell and Secretary P.J.Coyle from Galway City Harriers presided over a lively debate at the Quality Hotel in Oranmore with representatives from nearly all Galway Clubs taking an active part in the meeting.

It was noted that the total number of registered athletes in the county has risen by over 250 over the last two years, due in no small part to the fantastic work being done at underage level in the county. Mary Barrett, the County's Coaching Co-Ordinator, came in for particular praise for her stalwart efforts over the previous twelve months. Amongst a host of coaching activities that Mary was involved in throughout the year, no fewer than seventeen individual coaching sessions were organised at venues in Galway, Roscommon, Longford, Castlebar and Sligo. These were aimed in the main at post-primary school children. A similarly full programme of coaching activities is planned for 2006, details of which can be obtained from all Galway Schools or directly from Mary at 087-6115574.

Other positive developments noted at the AGM were the recent establishment of a club on Inis Mor and the continuing growth of athletics in Craughwell where considerable success has been achieved competitively over the last twelve months.

As regards senior athletics the meeting was keen to continue to promote the current high level of activity . To push this process forward Mick Rice was nominated by the meeting as a 'Senior Development Officer', with a view to bringing forward issues of particular concern to senior and veteran athletes at county level.

All in all, a highly successful AGM.