Congrats to Maria Hehir and the others in the club who made the recent Fit4Life 5KM in Newcastle suc a bit success! E1250 was the final figure donated to Western Alzheimers!

There is a juvenile fun run St Stephens Day before the 10k. Registration in the car park by the arch from 9.45 €5 per child. Race starts 10.15 sharp medals for all participants. See you all there. Any queries contact Sinead 0876330527.

Entry to this years race is now closed. Please note there are absolutely NO ENTRIES on the day, please do not turn up without a valid entry as we will not be able to accomodate you into this years race

We promised a sneak preview of the hat and here it is. If you want to get your hands on one of these and you havent entered then you need to get a move on. Race entry will close at midnight on 23rd December but with only just over 200 places left we could well sell out ahead of that time. There will...

A little belated on the update front but here's a list of the 'special' awards for those from the club who are gifted in other areas apart from speed. The awards were presented at the club if your name is here but you didn't make it to the party, your gift has been thoughtfully recycled...

It takes a lot to put together the Fields of Athenry 10km race every year, and the costs are not small. We've tried to keep our costs under control, while still providing a quality race. Luckily, we have a bunch of great sponsors on board who help make sure that the race maintains its high standards...

I let the 10th anniversary of the formation of the senior section of Athenry AC go, much to my chagrin due to work and other commitments, without making mention of it specifically here. This little article may redress that balance a little bit! Mick Rice, Peter Delmer and myself had been knocking...

All results from the recent (October!) juvenile and adult Cross County championships are stored on here . Congratulations to all Galway athletes, young and some not so young any more, who competed, many of whom won medals etc.

Athletics in Athenry back in Internet dark ages of late 1995: Athletics in Athenry Parish - 1995 - D. McNamara The sport of athletics is very much a minority sport in Ireland today and Athenry is no...

Best of luck to all our juvenile athletes competing next weekend in Adamstown, Co Wexford at the national novice and uneven age cross country championships. Lots of useful information on the venue and arrangements for next sunday can be found at the following link

A soft day in Carnmore saw a total of 204 runners go to the line for the 3rd. Annual Carnmore Annual Turkey Trot. Competition was very keen with Matt Bidwell of GCH taking the honours in the mens race in a swift 16mins 01 secs and the Ladies winner by a good margin was Emer O'Leary from MSB. All the...

Congratulations to Peter Lyons and all the various others involved in Athenry Commnunity Games on the number of awards they've picked up recently. I've scabbed the following from their excellent Facebook page here : Athenry Community Games win Mayor’s Award Athenry Community Games has won a coveted...

Our neighbours in Mayo AC are celebrating 25 years and have a big bash planned. See attach for more details... Sincere congrations and here's to another 25 years on the roads and fields and track of Mayo and further afield!

See attached a full race result from the recent Hollymount series of races. Congrats to Seamus Coyne of GCH on breaking 40 for the first time! I know the effort and luck it take to break, sorry get close, to 40. See also here for all details on the event.

Clarenbridge Charity 10K Run/ Walk, November 25 th 2012 Last Sunday was one of the colder days of Winter, however such conditions turned out to be perfect for what was to be the fourth annual Clarenbridge Charity 10K Run/ Walk. A record number of more than 300 participants found their way to...

Please note the AGM of the Athenry Juvenile Athletic club will be held Tuesday November 27 at 8.30pm upstairs in the Fields bar. Parents of all members are asked to attend.

At the stroke of midnight on November 30th the price for the race will increase from €18 to €20. Entries have been pouring in and we are at the halfway mark already. Be warned, the total capacity is 1500 and if this is reached before the event there will be no entries on race day so sign up now to...

The people have spoken. This year’s hat for the Fields of Athenry 10k will be Green. It is currently in production [photo for illustration only!] and we hope to bring you a picture of it very soon. It was a close run thing, with the pink vote out if force this year, having rallied the troops and...

Athenry AC celebrated 10 years of the senior section of the club by heading out onto the streets for its 9am training run with a record crowd of over 70 of its members. The 9am run is an unbroken tradition, spanning back the entire 10 years. Even when Saturday 9am has fallen on Christmas Day a group...

Ruthann Sheehan picked up her well deserved AAI award "Ultra Running Athlete of the Year" at the National Athletics Awards (in association with Woodie’s DIY and Tipperary Crystal) on Saturday 17th of November. Ruthann's husband, George Livanos, and her parents (above) were there to support her on...

Pacers have become a regular feature of big city marathons, helping people achieve their time goals by setting a steady place, providing encouragement and inspiration when the going gets tough. For plenty of people, time goals at the Fields of Athenry 10km are just as important, and we're going to...

(Congrats to Bernie Mulryan on another overall win!) The 2nd Annual East Galway 4M Road race took place yesterday (18 November 2012) on a wet & miserable Sunday afternoon. 119 Runners braved the elements and it was a great credit to all concerned to see almost all Galway ACs represented. With...

I am a person of few words but I would like to thank all from Athenry AC who helped out and to the following who sponsored the race and for making it possible at all: The Civil Defence Galway Crystal Londis/Subway, Newcastle Road, Galway Hip Kidz ladies Gym Galway Water Natalie Hehir for taken the...

Despite the day starting with rain, numbers were up this year for the “Winning Ways” 8k held today (Sunday, 4 November 2012) in Corofin. Local clubs were again well represented as were all age groups. First place went to Niall Cunningham with Bernie Mulryan of Athenry AC the first lady to finish...