
Provisional Craughwell Results attached now.

There are a small number of corrections and adjustments still pending from last week. I'm trying to collate all of these into a single batch of corrections and hope to publish a fully up-to-date set of results in a day or so. I will also hopefully have a combined Athenry/Tuam/Craughwell datasheet in a day or so, but don't want to generate that until I have all of the corrections included in the Tuam and Craughwell sheets.

We're halfway there in the series and by common consent it's been the most successful, most inclusive and best attended series yet. The chip timing has been a tremendous success and has helped organisers produce a high quality result in double quick time. Great credit in this regard has to go to John Cunniffe from Red Tag Timing who has done Trojan work on the collection and compilation of race result data.

Bear with me a day or two more on the corrections.

One small reminder - it's against the rules and spirit of the Galway 5km Series to loan your race entry or timng chip to anyone else for any of the races, so please don't do this.

See you all in Claregalway.

Images from Tuesdays race are now uploaded :


14 years 2 months ago

...window where he has resided the past few years, and was seen running the race last night finishing in a credible time of 20:39!