
A fantastic day out for this unique race!

Michael Walsh of Craughwell AC picked up the first prize, being only two seconds out.  He proceeded to donate the entire prize back to the organisers. 

James Lundon's tactic of waiting for an extra few seconds at the finish line paid off as he picked up a minor placing!

Full results attached.

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Mark C

14 years 2 months ago

Highly enjoyable event, well organised and a tough course. A great spread of food after back at the hall and good atmosphere.
Surprised at the relatively low number of runners - a rare event where the lowly runners like myself can win something - an added bonus!
Will definitely be next year to confront those hills.


14 years 2 months ago

This event was a great success, with almost double the number of participants as last year. I can see it becoming a regular fixture in the west of Ireland race calendar, and sure anyone can win it!


14 years 2 months ago

Fair play to Dave and his merry band of (wo)men helpers on Sunday. 

Hopefully a race that will attract much bigger crowds in years to come. 

Less than an hour from Galway so no excuses.