
Three fantastic night's of track-based action in Dangan - what more could you ask for?

Great credit for the ongoing success of the re-vamped Galway Track and Field Championships has to go to Paul McNamara, Regional Development Officer for the AAI in the West of Ireland. All of the Galway Athletics Clubs owe Paul a huge 'Thank You' for his efforts on their behalf in organising these hugely enjoyable summer nights on the University Track.

Paul also wanted to express his thanks for those that assisted him in putting on the championships, saying "Sincere thanks to all who assisted over the three nights, with particular thanks to Eamon O'Donnell who was our starter on all three evenings, PJ Coyle who kept his finger on the watch, Deirdre O'Connor, formerly of Claremorris AC and NUIG AC who gave very generously of her time, and Brendan Monaghan and family who were a huge help throughout."

All of the events went off smoothly and if the standards were not Olympic the craic certainly

Brendan Monaghan:Brendan Monaghan

Brendan Monaghan:Brendan Monaghan


If you missed it ... you missed out!

Don't forget to check out John O'Connor's fine collection of photographs of all the action in our galleries.

Karl Prendergast

15 years ago

Really enjoyed new format, I am encouraging friends to come down and compete. Many are unaware of the athletics facilties we have here. Well done to all those organising and competing, even if our PB times are going up and height, distances going down.