
Tuam Results Files Updated 07-05-09

What do you think. Would we get away with calling that another fine dry evening for a race in the Galway 5km series?

As usual the race organisation was flawless in Tuam - we even had a camper van for number pick-up. Now that's posh! Brendan, Patricia, Rory and the rest of the Tuam AC membership deserve great credit for putting on a great show in Tuam. The rest of us really appreciated it folks - take a bow!

Gerry Ryan sprinkled a little startdust over proceedings and was first home amongst the men and 'first lady' Regina Casey once again headed the women's field. It was a great night to be a runner. Not alone did you get to meet your friends neighbours and rivals for a 5km around Tuam but you also got to take an extra virtuous feeling home having braved the threatened (but not actual) downpour.

Provisional results are attached - what a fantastic job by the Tuam crew to get them done overnight - and if you spot any problems with them just let me know and we'll adjust as necessary.


Jane Campbell

15 years 2 months ago

Thank you to the Tuam organisers for a very enjoyable race. And yep I think we can just about call it a "fine dry" evening!


15 years 2 months ago

Great, great event.

Some of the roads were uneven but hardly the fault of the organisers ;-).

Maire Treasa Beatty

15 years 2 months ago

Well done Tuam organisers great 5k. My first race this year I was delighted. Thanks for all the good luck messages. thank you Athenry folk see you all next tuesday.