Super Seb!

Super Seb!

1. What running shoes do you train in?

Mizuno Wave rider 8, which are just so comfortable for run over four hours.

2. How many miles did you run last week?

Well, 0 as I am injured at the moment.

3. What’s your favourite racing distance?

Marathon and Ironman Triathlon .

4. Where’s you favourite place to train?

I like Dangan but it’s too far. I like Coole Park, Mountbellew Woods and the long roads of Athenry.

5. What’s your favourite race or event each year?

Connemarathon and Ironman Lanzarote.

6. What annoys you most at races?

People wearing keys and make noise when they run.

7. What race, that you haven’t yet run, would you most like to take part in?

Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, and Fields of Athenry.

8. What was your best-ever running performance?

2h51 marathon in France, finished 9th, really hurt myself to get there :-)

9. What was your worst-ever running performance?

Last in cross-country this year in Ballina and a triathlon in France were I fell but that’s a long story.

10. What’s the strangest thing that you’ve ever seen on a training run?

A guy I was running with disappear and I found him in a field screaming “Freedom!!!”

11. Favourite piece of running gear?

My socks, if they are not fitted right I can’t run.

12. Who would you most enjoy beating in a sprint for the line?

Mick Rice after he took my third place in Connemara. Yes it was mine up to the last few miles, but he will get older :-)

13. What was the best bit of training advice you were ever given?

Recovery is as important as training hard.

14. In ten years time will you still be running?

You mean will I be back, definitely!

15. If for some reason you were told you could never run again, how do you think you’d react?

Funny I heard this already lately while waiting for my surgery, so I might pay someone to carry me on his back during the races.

16. Have you ever been bitten by a dog while running?

Never, but in cycling yes.

17. Have you ever had to stop for an emergency ‘Paula’ during a race?

Yes, but that is a secret.

18. Favourite post-race food?

Rice, it absorbs acid before the race and save me of going to the bathroom.

19. Most embarrassing ever running-related moment?

Win a race and realise I was one lap short!

20. The greatest Irish Athlete of all time is/was?

I would say Sonia O’Sullivan for her great achievement.