
I had the pleasure of meeting the Canadian runner Malcolm Anderson at this year's Connemara Marathon. As usual this year's race was a fantastic opportunity to meet old friends and try to make some more. Malcolm was already known to many Connemara veterans like 'Shades' and the race director himself Mr. Ray O'Connor. It was only a little after I had been introduced to Malcolm on Sunday night that I was told he was an accomplished author on marathon running. As an avid reader and collector of running books I was immediately interested. I've since gotten my hands on Malcolm's latest work "A Marathon Odyssey" which I can absolutely confirm is a great read.

I'm sure Malcolm wouldn't mind me saying that he's not a current world record holder nor likely to set one soon, but it's his 'ordinariness' that made his book such a good read. There was so much I could identify with and recognise from my own experience. The text is beautifully written and would be perfect for anyone who has an interest in marathon running.

The blurb from his publishers is included below and for once I don't think they've oversold what's a really good running book.

Here’s how you can order one or many copies:

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Malcolm Anderson

Malcolm Anderson

The Experience Publishers has recently released “A Marathon Odyssey” by Canadian runner Malcolm Anderson.

After an under-whelming start as a non-runner on the beaches of New Zealand, Malcolm trains for, and runs, three (and a half) marathons in two months, and travels the globe to do it. Follow his trail from Marathon, Greece, through the Cayman Islands, to Walt Disney World in Florida.

Read about the adventures of Gordon, a hamster who has his own (circular) training plan; Fred, the indefatigable but goofy four-legged training partner; and Malcolm, an ordinary guy who decides to leave his middle-aged, over-stressed and under-exercised self behind, and who winds up accomplishing something extraordinary.

Malcolm’s training highs (and lows) are interspersed with essays that give the broader picture of marathoning as a social movement, the history of distance running, and snippets of insight about the physiological, psychological, social, and spiritual benefits of tying on the runners and getting out there for a run.

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Mick Rice

15 years ago

Once the bidding war between international publishers comes to its natural conclusion and the auction of the movie rights gets sorted out we should be all set.

Any day now...!

Surely it has to be Kevin Costner. "Start the club and they will come" as Mick. Colin Farrell as Peter Delmar and Michael Douglas as James Lundon. (Of course I am thinking more Wall Street era Michael Douglas so dont be offended James!!)