
The Challenge

The world’s third highest capital, Addis Ababa, plays host to Africa’s biggest road race

on November 22nd, 2009. Join ORBIS Ireland for The Great Ethiopian Run on the roof

of Africa and help eliminate blinding trachoma.

Beginning in downtown Addis Ababa, you’ll be joined by more than 30,000 other

competitors. The run is a challenging 10km at 10,000 feet above sea level - an

altitude that will test your physical condition. Along with some of the world’s most

renowned athletes (including Haile Gebrselassie and Richard Nerurkar) there will be

a huge variety of runners of all age groups taking part.

There will be a wonderful atmosphere as of thousands of spectators line the streets for

the event and many millions more watch the event live on television.

The Journey

- Friday 20th November:

Special visit to view the local ORBIS projects, followed by a welcome reception

and traditional Ethiopian dinner. .

- Saturday 21st November:

Addis Ababa city tour followed by an excursion to the Ethiopian countryside

- Sunday 22nd November:

Great Ethiopian Run! Rest... Celebratory Dinner

- Monday 23rd November:

Free time to explore Addis Ababa. Depart for Dublin*

Why Orbis Ireland

Every minute a child goes blind. This is a harrowing fact that ORBIS is urgently

working to change. ORBIS’s goal is to eliminate avoidable blindness in the world’s most

poverty-stricken regions. This is an ambitious, yet necessary goal – it should be every

child's right to be able to live life to their full potential.

ORBIS Ireland focuses on one major project - to eliminate the preventable blinding eye disease,

trachoma, and restore sight to the most rural villagers in Ethiopia by the end of 2012.

In these remote parts of Ethiopia, primary eye care is almost non-existent and trachoma,

which starts in childhood, is a common disease. Trachoma, which starts in childhood, is a

common disease in these areas. If left untreated, this slowly progressive and painful disease

robs its victims of their sight, their childhoods and ultimately their livelihoods.

Join ORBIS on the Great Ethiopian Run and give the precious gift of sight.

Get In Touch

With the support of the ORBIS Fundraising Team, you’ll be asked to raise a minimum of

€3,000.We have some great suggestions to help you achieve your fundraising goal and

will be with you every step of the way.

As an ORBIS Team member, you will receive hotel accommodation, event travel and entry

into the event. If you’re up for this once in a lifetime opportunity,

contact [email protected] or 01 293 3060
