
A new monthly athletics e-zine will provide runners all over Ireland with information about the sport they love – and it will be absolutely free of charge.

The new e-zine is being launched by two Mayo men – Mark Scanlon and Liam Horan – in mid-April. Mark and Liam are both keen runners, with Mark something of an endurance man – last year he ran seven marathons in seven different continents over seven months.

β€œBut just in case that achievement scares people into thinking our new e-zine is solely targeted at people who can run forever,” interjects Liam, β€œI am at the other end of the scale.

β€œMark has a body fat count that barely registers on the scale. I have a much fuller figure, which brings it own, er, challenges when running. So, between the two of us, we feel we can bring out an e-zine that will appeal to all shapes and sizes.

β€œI recently completed two 8ks, my first races in over 20 years, and my aim is to break 40 minutes this year for that distance. Modest stuff!”

Runners – speedsters and the more leisurely-paced – can sign up for the e-zine by emailing [email protected]. Each month, the e-zine will be emailed to subscribers in medium resolution, so it won’t clog up their inboxes.

Liam Horan

Liam Horan

They can then read it on their personal computer, or print off and peruse by more traditional means.

β€œThere is no catch here. The e-zine is free. It will have reports, features, photographs, and many other items relating to running in Ireland. We want people to subscribe no by emailing us, and to tell their athlete friends about it,” added Mark.

β€œThe e-zine will carry coaching tips and invite readers to share their experiences. Athletes should sign up now and look forward to the first edition mid-April.”