
Country: Thailand

Departure: October 09

Price: €4,000

€300 deposit: to be paid upon return of application form to COPE Galway

€1,500:to be raised and returned to COPE Galway by 1st May 09

€1,000: to be raised and returned to COPE Galway by 1st July 09

€1,200: the balace to be raised and returned to COPE Galway by 1st September

Proposed dates: Fly Dublin to Amsterdam/Zurich to Bangkok on Saturday Oct 9th arriving in Bangkok on Sunday October 10th PM

Return Bangkok to Amsterdam/Zurich to Dublin leaving Bangkok on Tuesday October 20th arriving in Dublin on Tuesday Oct 20th.


Stay in Bangkok on night of arrival Sunday 10th

Monday 11th Flight transfer from Bangkok to Chang Mai

Tues/Weds/ Thurs - Daily Treks around Changmai

Thursday -Bus transfer from Chang Mail to Changrai

Fri/Sat/ Sun -Daily Treks around Changrai

One night will be spent Hill Tribe village in either Changmai or Changrai.

Monday Oct 19th -Morning flight transfer from Changrai to Bangkok - Rest of day free for sighseeing

Tuesday October 20th -Return flights to Ireland

All flights and transfers included including internal flights in Thailand and bus transfers for daily treks


Shared basis.

Bangkok - Jims Lodge

Chanmai & Changrai -4 Star Lodges

One night in huts in Hill Tribe Village.

All food included (breakfast, packed lunch on days of treks and evening meal) other than last night in Bangkok (free for people to do their own thing).

Activities include:

Elephant Ride

Village visits

Long Tail boat rides

Night Bazaar visits

Travel insurance not included.

Participants will be advised on what innoculations are required.

Participants will be advised of what preparations to make in advance of the trek

Participants will be advised as to what clothing etc to bring with them.
