
In 2007 and 2008 we asked people to nominate their athletic targets for the year ahead and you can view those predictions here;



This year we have collectively invited public ridicule by predicting the following. If anyone else want's to join in the fun just add your goals in a comment to this article or e-mail them to me at [email protected] and I'll add them in here.

Maire Treasa Beatty

1. Do the Ultra in Connemara.

2. Do six half-marathons

3. Do the Dublin Marathon!!!

Alan Burke

1. Stay injury free

2. See no. 1

Frank Burke

1. Beat fellow AAC member in Dublin.

2. Sub-40 10KM.

3. Stay injury free.

Brian Bruton

1. Run a Marathon in 2:39:00

2. Complete a 10 mile race in 0:57:00 min

3. Finish a 10k in less than 35 minutes.

Peter Delmer

1. To complete a long trail run on the Wicklow Way, the Western Way or some other location

2. To run at least 2000 miles in 2009

3. To run a personal best (or at least sub 2:55:00) for a marathon

Conor Dolan

1. A sub-3 hour Marathon.

2. Under 62 mins in Ballycotton.

3. Under 17:30 for one or two of the 5k series races.

Seamus Gilhooley

1. Big pb over 1,500m and 5k.

2. Retain county team cross country title!

3. Beat Eddie Costello in an 800!

Valerie Glavin

1. Run 4/5 marathons without burning out.

2. I wanna six-pack by August...

3. Beat Mary T.Beatty (snigger!)

Jane-Ann Healy

1. Cork Marathon sub 3:10.

2. National Half Marathon 1:25-30. Women's team gold!

3. Dublin Marathon - Sub 3:00. Women's team gold!

James Lundon

1. Ballycotton, under 70:00.

2. Four of the Galway 5KM series under 20:00.

3. Any measured 10km, under 41:00 (blocking negative thoughts of ever getting under 40:00 for the time being)!

4. Dublin City Marathon, running to the finish, in any time.

5. Beat Dave Dunne more often than he beats me.

Deirdre Hassett

1. Break the (for me) elusive 43 minute barrier for 10km and try not to throw up or pass out doing so.

2. Take at least 4 mins off my marathon time to go sub-3:30 for my second marathon (and love it as much as the first while I'm doing it).

3. Break 2.5 hours for an Olympic distance triathlon (1.5km/40km/10km) which doesn't involve floating downstream :) (ie TriAthy excluded).

Maria Hehir

1. To complete at least two marathons.

2. Run a 3:45 marathon and qualify for entry to Boston in 2010.

3. Stay injury free & enjoy the training.

Martin Keane

1. To try and get the sub-50:00 10k which I failed to achieve in 2008.

2. To avoid being the last Athenry AC finisher in the 2009 Dublin marathon (if I compete).

3. To hold back the family back from buying the rocking chair they've promised me for another few years.

Paul McNamara

1. Run a spring marathon and post a personal best time.

2. Run a fall marathon and post a personal best time.

3. Represent Galway at the Rose of Tralee in 2009.

Jeff Noone

1 Sub 40:00 10K

2 Beat Dave Dunne & James Lundon every time we race

3 Set new PB's in 5K, 5M, 10K

Ray O'Connor

1. Try not to die during the Marathon Des Sables

2. Finish the Marathon Des Sables

3. Run more than 20 marathons

Mick Rice

1. Run a marathon under 2:45

2. Stay ahead of Mr.Delmer and Mr.Burke.

3. Score on the Athenry men's team that retains the county cross country title.

Mick Rooney

1. To break 3hrs ;) in Dublin Marathon!!

2. Run streets of Galway under 30min.

3. To push them legs harder to achieve the injuries please!

Iain Shaw

1. Sub 50 for 10K – this IS going to happen this year (even if I have to sneak into the FoA !!)

2. Throw 35 metre plus in Discus at Galway Track and Field

3. Beat a group of people in the 5K series who keep saying about me “he doesn’t look like a runner”

Miriam Wall

1. Run my first marathon in 2009.

2. Break 100 min for half marathon.

3. Run a 10km race in 45 mins or less.

4. Run under 36 m ins for an 8km race.