
We're nearly there! Just three-point-one miles left to run. The Galway City leg of the 2008 Galway 5km Series, organised by GCH in the Dangan Sportsgrounds, will be the final round-up for this year. As with other years there are a couple of extra considerations with this final race. For those diligent souls who will have completed five or more races in the series, including the final race, there will be the reward of a series t-shirt to collect. Rumour has it that they're a fine shade of bright green this season. They mightn't be quite up to 'Sex in The City' fashion standards but even Carrie and her mates wouldn't get one without running the races and as far as we know they weren’t spotted in Tuam or Craughwell.

T-shirts can be collected from the changing area in Dangan either before or after the race. To simplify distribution of the shirts you have to be there on the night to collect your shirt as we just don't have the resources to start sending out shirts by post or making individual arrangements. If you've already earned your shirt and can't make Dangan for some reason you could ask a club mate to collect it for you.

After the running or walking is done there will be some refreshments in Kelehan's Public House just up the road. There'll be plenty of spot prizes for distribution on the night so why not join us for a glass and a bite after the race. In other years this night and the craic in Kelehan's afterwards has been the highlight of the entire series so don't miss out this year. Hopefully we can all agree that the entire series of races has been a great success this year with such large numbers taking part and so much enjoyment in evidence all around the County for the last five weeks.

If you've used the series to get started on the road back to fitness or to build on what fitness you have please don't take too big a break after the series concludes. There are many other brilliant events to be enjoyed over the summer months and into the autumn. The Streets of Galway 8k, The Claregalway 10k and the Annaghdown 10k are just three examples of the many great events that you can sign up to do over the weeks and months ahead.

On behalf of the many, many people who’ve enjoyed themselves during this series I’d just like to thank all of the race directors, volunteers and helper-outers from all the individual clubs who made the magic happen.

See you in Dangan.

GCH forever

16 years 2 months ago

2-2 Maloney vs O Connor down to the wire in Dangan, for the 5k title... I reckon our GCH boy Maloney will win it out on the last night ,the city boys win out over the bumpkins every time, could be a few elbows out...!! Great series, great crack, a credit to all organisers roll on Tuesday...

The Fields

16 years 2 months ago

Don't be so sure, the Boy O'Connor has been training at altitude (OK its the hills in RyeHill), and we have high hopes for him. This could get bloody.....

GCH forever

16 years 2 months ago

No harem in a bit of competition eh, and As long as them Mayo Ac lads dont get near it its not too bad, but the GCH lads - and women -on home turf wont take any prisoners, ye buffers will end up in the ditch...!!