
There were frayed nerves and reputations on the line as the cream of the Athenry Saturday morning training group fought it out, tooth and nail, for bragging rights and Community Games medals. When the bodies were hauled from the field of play the news emerged that Alan Burke and Aileen McNamara had claimed the spoils of war.

Excepting a Truth and Reconcilliation Commission the rest of us are going to have to wait until next year to extract our revenge.

Photos courtesy Peter Lyons...

The best you could say was that they were a mixed bunch...

The best you could say was that they were a mixed bunch...
Mick looks like he's going to cry if he doesn't win this one....someone get the tissues.

Mick looks like he's going to cry if he doesn't win this one....someone get the tissues.
Gary powers through the field to take up the running...

Gary powers through the field to take up the running...
Aileen stalks her prey...

Aileen stalks her prey...


16 years 4 months ago

When they said 1:30 PM on Sunday, I didn't think they actually meant 1:30 PM!

Gutted to miss the race as it looked to be one mighty bit of fun, especially as they got it wrapped up before it milled rain...