I calculate that only three people have run in all 15 races over the three years of the Galway May 5KM series. Stand up, Tony O'Callaghan (Craughwell AC), Jim Maher (HP Running Club) and our own Gary Doherty. See attached image! There are a number of others who've been to all 15 races and who've run...

The Galway 5km series concluded in Galway City last night in Dangan amidst smiles and sunshine. There was another huge turnout of runners and walkers who took advantage of the beautiful weather to once more test themselves over 5km. It was a treat for many to be back on the softer surfaces of the...

If you participated in the 2008 Flora Womens Mini Marathon you have three opportunities to see yourself on television. So it's time to sit back, relax and try to spot yourself or your friends in Setanta's hour-long special. The first broadcast is on this Thursday night 5th June at 9.30. It will be...

Brian Bruton Reports Third place team in the relay, not bad for a hastily cobbled together relay crew of two recently recovered crocks and one of the glamour boys of Galway running. A thoroughly enjoyable weekend had by all. Mick Rice and wife Margaret, Alan Burke, Brian Bruton, and the flag carrier...

http://www.examiner.ie/story/sport/gbmhsnausn/rss2/ Hession eyes record return By Brendan Mooney PAUL HESSION will make an eagerly-awaited seasonal debut next week in Malmo, Sweden, where the Athenry sprinter will try to repeat last year’s record-breaking opener. A year ago he broke the Irish record...

This weekend is a special weekend in the Irish athletics calendar. One of the most important athletic fixtures of the year 'kicks off' in Dublin on Bank Holiday Monday afternoon. A mini-bus full of Athenry AC athletes will be amongst those travelling to take part in the event and they will be led by...

Aside from Paul McNamara's Edinburgh Marathon heroics last weekend there was plenty of club interest in the Clare Burren Marathon Challenge which was organised by the Ballyvaughan Fanore Walking Club. The programme of events on last Saturday comprised of a Mini Marathon, Half Marathon and Full...

Athenry runner Paul McNamara won today's Edinburgh Marathon in a time of 2:25. In very windy conditions Paul was to the fore of this tactical race from the outset. Although Paul was part of the leading group from the start it became clear in the very early miles that fast times would be out of the...

The South Connaught Special Olympics Track & Field Day took place in Dangan on Wednesday last 21st May, and Athenry AC were there to lend a hand. With over 130 athletes competing in multiple events it was quite a day. The intermittent rain could in no way dampen the spirits of the runners, jumpers...

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5549071604461400854 (18 minutes 39 seconds) Many thanks to Mike McLoughlin who was press-ganged into this vital job with very little notice.

Our Track session goes from strength to strength, and as the Summer months approach, even more people are likely to come along and see what the fuss is all about. If you're sick of being out-kicked in the last km of a race, then it's time for track work! With greater numbers comes a greater need to...

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7081165314032492434 (15 minutes 33 seconds - runners going through the finish the first time and all finishers under 30 minutes) Many thanks to a member of the Mullins (Tuam AC) clan for digging us out of a major hole in providing the results team with the...

Ray O'Connor begins the biggest athletic challenge of his life today when he sets off on the first leg of the "Brathay Challenge - 10 Marathons in 10 Days" (http://www.brathaychallenge.com/). Ray is the first Irishman to undertake this mindblowing task and so will be attempting to set an Irish...

Many of you will be familiar with the work of photographer John O'Connor who has documented so may of our adventures over the last number of years. John is a talented cameraman with an eye for the perfect picture. His photographs preserve the action from our races in such a wonderful way and allows...

In a cracking time of 1:16:04, Brian O Connor followed up on his fast time in the Newcastle 5km by repeating his performance of 2 years ago by coming 3rd in the ING luxembourg half marathon. Brian's brother Fintan also produced a creditable perfomance, clocking 1:43:41. Well done to both!

Anyone missing gear after the National 10K im Athenry last Sunday week? The following bits and pieces were culled from the men's dressing room in the HQ that evening. Please contact me to claim same etc. * 2001 Ballycotton Top-100 T-shirt. * 2005 Prague Marathon singlet. * Mitre Sports hoodie. *...

Scabbing the article straight from the GCH web site: http://www.galwaycityharriers.com/senior-news/irish-masters-aa-gazette-martin-mcevilly-profiled Philip has done a great job and it's well worth downloading and reading/printing.

Did we make 50 on Sunday? I have found 49 from the first official results released today and attached. Paul Mc Namara 30.32 Brian O'Connor 33.07 Peter Delmer 35.28 Robert Staunton 35.41 Brian Bruton 36.09 Alan Burke 36.44 Owen Curran 37.33 John O'Connor 38.11 Donal McCann 38.45 Mark Breen 39.05...

Congrats to all who took part in this worthwhile fun run last Saturday! Not sure if there was a list of finishers published or not. If there was, I would love a copy for my records please. A little birdie told me that Maire-Treasa Beatty was first woman home in a little over 1:42, to go nicely with...

Last Saturday morning we had a special guest at our regular weekly training run. Former Dublin and Belfast Marathon winner Lezan Kimutai was in town to run the Connemara Half Marathon the following day and he dropped along for a leisurely run around the town to put the final touches to his race...

Any others, please let me know? Half Maire-Treasa Beatty 1:39:47 Half Mark Breen 1:31:17 Half Frank Burke 1:34:08 Half Niall Callanan 1:57:49 Half Maurice Clarke 1:23:59 Half Derek Conerney 1:43:20 Half Tom Conlon 1:55:03 Half James Corbett 2:03:47 Half Owen Curran 1:26:34 Half Michael Duane 1:50:41...