
This weekend while Maire Treasa rocked the London marathon, finishing in a time of 4:02:37 and a band of runners hit the Ardrahan 10km, I  was chauffer driven to Dublin by my husband Donal to compete in the Powerade “On Your Marks” 100m competition. Entry was free and all participants stood the chance of winning a trip to the London Olympic Stadium on May 3rd along with the opportunity to run 100m at the Olympic Stadium.

As most of you know I was hit by a bugger of a virus at Christmas and although the virus has vacated the building, it left a present of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in its wake. So my life recently is a little different, ive gone from running about 35 miles a week, participating in horse riding and yoga and working a 39 hour week to working a twenty hour week and forcing myself to walk every two days for on average 20 minutes at a time. The only pacing im now partaking in is during my daily routine. Each task requires an immense amount of effort!!

When I saw the piece on I decided to take on the challenge. After getting clearance from my consultant it was full steam ahead. Unlike any other race I have entered there was very little preparation done. Two weeks ago, during one of my walking sessions I managed to run the distance once and it nearly killed me. Other than that training session the last time I ran was over three months ago.

The week leading up to my “race day” was stressful as I had to battle with medication which didn’t suit me. Thankfully my consultant Dr McWeeney and his team Sharon and Cathriona sorted me out and I finally found myself lining up at the start in Dublin this afternoon.  I managed to do a very small warm up, running about 20m and a few stretches before the gun sounded.

There was no race plan; it was a case of just running my ass off and crossing the finish line. 14 seconds 42 later I achieved what I had set out to do, I had run a race. Yes, I was last in my heat and was whacked after it but I didn’t care, no one could have wiped the smile off my face. I was a runner again, even if it was for just 15 seconds.

I also didn’t win the trip to London, but what I did walk away with was the satisfaction of completing a race and I also met Derval O’Rourke. Not a bad days work really! Heartfelt thanks to Powerade for organising this competition and giving me the chance to feel like a runner again. In time I will return to the pavements for good :)

Aine mc guinness

12 years 10 months ago

Marie you are an inspiration, well done! Look forward to more races with you.


12 years 10 months ago

I wish I had a fraction of the determination that you possess! You put a lot of us to shame. Well done again.