
In response to lots of demand for a core/ conditioning and strength class, the 2012 spring club class will start on Monday 6th February.

We are lucky to have booked Tom French, an approved trainer with Athletics Ireland, and owner of French Vanoli Fitness in Oranmore, who is already doing some strength work with our junior club:

The cost is €70 for 10 weeks

Location: Fitness Centre, Raheen Business Park, Athenry

Mondays 6:30pm - 7:30pm (10 weeks - Feb. 6th to April 9th).

There are 30 places available.

Please send an e-mail to reserve a slot, to:


with 'Spring Core Class' in subject line.

The slots will be first come first served. Please ONLY reserve a place if you intend to attend and will be there on the first evening with full payment (cheque or cash, correct change).

Only those who turn up with full payment on Feb 6th are guaranteed their slots. I will keep a waiting list if the class is oversubscribed, and I will communicate out to those who are on the class list and waiting list before the end of the week to let you know who is on the list. Places for no-shows will roll down to the waiting list (if any).

NOTE: The class is being run at cost price to cover the cost of the trainer.

The cost has been subsidised by the club to cover rental of the venue so it is proving to be excellent value in comparison to a standard yoga/ Pilates/ core class.


13 years 1 month ago

NOTE: The class is being run at cost price to cover the cost of the trainer.
The cost has been subsidised by the club to cover rental of the venue so it is proving to be excellent value in comparison to a standard yoga/ Pilates/ core class.


13 years 1 month ago

where is the venue