
The 5k championships welcomed a larger than usual number of competitors to Newcastle on Sunday 18th. Thirty seven souls delayed their Sunday lunch to run the loop, a number of them for the first time and glad we were to see them.

A delighted Sebastien Locteau took advantage of his recent road -- as distinct from pool -- training to win the Senior title. While newcomer Darina Keating beat her previous best by a full two and a half minutes to take the Masters trophy. Twenty one people contested this Masters crown, prompting memories of former races, earlier in the club's history, when turning up seemed the hardest part of winning that particular trophy (I exaggerate but only a little).

Darragh McShane ran the fastest time on the day, while Maria Moore took the chocolates signifying the best placed non-Athenry AC runner.

Special recognition should go to Tomás Mangan and Mick Rice who turned up despite running half and full marathons just the day before, both of them in good times also I might say. And a word too for Sinéad Foran and Michael Duane who finished within a second of their anticipated running times. Smiles to Amanda Cannon for holding out for a fair handicap, confirmed by her running within three seconds of her new time  ;-)

See attached Excel sheet for a full listing of runners, placings, and times. The attached photos show the winners.

Special thanks to Marie O'Connor for helping out on the day, and also to Maeve Noone, Janet Clancy, Deirdre Quinn, Tony Daley, and Owen Curren.

Marie O'Connor

13 years 5 months ago

Congrats Darina, there will be no stopping you now!! It was a great day out and only for Philip whizzing through figures and sorting out where everyone should start there would have been no race!!

Sebastien Locteau

13 years 5 months ago

I want to say thanks a million for the club championship.

I went back running properly in August with a 24min in Loughrea club race then ran teh 4 miles in south Galway in 30min34, the oughterard 10km in 50min and the Longford half marathon n 1h50. So it was a big improvement I would not have made without the athenry Ac crew especially Mick Rice, Johnny and Ray O'Connor, Ian and James.

I did not got much involve with the club recently and there is so many new people, but I am please to see the same spirit remain with a warm and kind atmosphere which always been there in the club and remains.

This club championship means a lot to me today and gave me motivation and hope it will do the same to other members next year.

So thanks a million and thank you Philip for the work you put in.....

Very happy Seb